
It is a "subterranean" world, where human lives go after death.
The word "Rustau" in ancient Egyptian means "the gate leading to the cross roads", a name that indicates the nature of that world, which is like a "maze".
Maton says the coffins that this place is the place of "suffering Ozer", is a place
Harboring mysterious beings described as "objects that do not know where they are."
Matton also tells the coffins about "the day the secrets were hidden in the depths of Rustao." One of the texts of the coffins came from one of the souls of those who went to the other world:
*** I have come to Rustao to know the secret of the "tools" I have seen
It's Anubis ***
From these texts we know that Restau is part of a lower world /
Sub-ground, and that the meteorites (which the ancient Egyptians described as
Which flowed from Auser), were buried in what looked like catacombs
Secret underground.
There is a very important scene, the fifth scene of the book "The Amutot" (the original name is the book of the secret room), which is a map showing the parameters of "Ristau" governed by Sucre ... The Lower World Falcon.
This scene depicts the golden moment in which universe fertility occurs
(Cosmic seeding) ... at the beginning of creating a new cosmic cycle, as if the artist
The Egyptian has frozen this moment in the symbols we see before us.
In the lower part of the scene we see the body of a cockroach in the shape of a human body with a hawk head, and stands in an oval vacuum surrounded by sand from each side, and is about to put its wings in preparation for flight.
In the middle of the scene we see a pyramid form representing the body of Isis, where it stands at the top of this pyramid. Above the head of Isis is the upper part of the scene, which shows a dark dome-shaped room surrounded by a pair of hawks on either side. The text above the dark secret room contains the word "night".
And from the bottom of that dark secret room comes a scarlet (the symbol of the resurrectionAnd birth again), almost touching the head of Isis, but there is something separating them. Note that in the narrow distance between the scarab and the head of Isis passes the rope that draws the boat Ra.
This scene depicts the bottom of the lower world. It is a dangerous area where a boat can not sail because it is sandy and not watery.
So nineteen cosmic forces volunteer to drag a boat with a rope
In this scene, we find that the rope by which a ra-boat runs is passing in the distance separating the scarves from the head of Isis. And from all the symbols in this scene stands the symbol of the secret chamber dark dark mystery, the artist was keen to portray the dark and did not disclose what is inside, as if inside is the secret of secrets that should not be seen by anyone.
This particular room is the room that bore the name of the book. The original name of the book among the ancient Egyptians was "The Secret Chamber Book".
The true meaning of this secret chamber is evident when we know that there is a close relationship between Sucre and the Cretaceous, the Sucre, which was known as the Henu Barque, made its introduction of iron.
What we see before us in this scene are the symbols of one of the most important stages of creation, "the beginning of the formation of the solar groups", where he prepares to reach a phase of transformation (becoming ready to spread his wings), through Isis, On the stump
This secret room contains inside it the metal of iron, which still allows us to come the time when it is thrown into the sky to start the creation again.
The Kingdom of Sucre and its location in the lower world is the region that contains the most important stages of transformation in the universe and the most secret and mysterious.

Tags: Religion
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