Archaeologist Ahmed Amer revealed that the internal trade in ancient Egypt did not play a significant role in the economy of the country. It was similar to what is happening in the markets of the cities of Egypt at the present time, while foreign trade flourished and developed between Egypt and various countries. Influenced and influenced the civilizations of different countries through foreign trade transactions.

Amer said in a statement to the Middle East News Agency on Friday that the ancient texts do not talk about traders at all. The rare images in one of the tombs of Saqqara show what was happening in one of the markets of the old state. It represents a market that could have been lost. Sharif for service and agricultural, while the middle state did not leave by accident, nothing about commercial transactions.
He explained that there are a number of images that embody these limited commercial transactions in the modern state, which often took place in the ports near the large ships that were bringing goods from abroad to Egypt. For example, the tomb of "Khasmat" which was " "In the era of" Amenovis III ", has appeared in one of the tombs good appearance of an Egyptian merchant bent and holding his hands Mizana, a tool that emerged in the era of the modern state and thus became the balance used to confirm the weight of goods.

On the development and prosperity of foreign trade between Egypt and neighboring countries and the impact of ancient Egypt, Amer said that in Nubia there was "the island of Elephantine" market where Nubians traded their products and goods from the southern tribes with Egyptian products and was sent to Egypt In the land of the "daughter" of the Holy Land. In ancient times, the ancient Egyptians were considered the original home of incense and other valuables, the coastal countries of the Red Sea in the tropical region, especially the coast of Somalia.

He added that the ancient Egyptians called early on the Holy Land because it was located in the quarries of the baths, as the road to the Red Sea and then to the mines and the incense country, and mentioned in the texts trips to "the land of a girl" as was the people of "daughter" A prominent role between the families led by the gods to the king "Sahour", and the perceptions imagined by the Egyptian people about incense country remarkable text of the story of the "shipwreck" of the Middle State era.
He added that the Egyptians had received the ammunition of "Bint Bent" and other beautiful plants in the "Holy Land" and piles of gum and bitter green trees and ebony and pure ivory and red gold, and the country of "wood" sweet smells and incense and pigments and large monkeys with long tails Hunting dogs, leopards, slaves and their children.
On the external trade relations between Egypt and Syria and Palestine, Amer explained that he was registered on the funeral temple of the king "Sahour" Egyptian fleet returning from Syria has brought with him a long pottery tractor filled with precious oils and Asian men and women enter Egypt as a slave, pointing out that the "weapons makers" Egyptians They were traveling with their products to foreign countries. Many of the paintings of the middle-class Asian girls were also seen as a gesture of concubines by their Egyptian masters.
He stressed that the traces and writings of that era, in which Syria and Palestine became part of Egypt for a few centuries, trade flourished and traffic was strong and active on the ancient borders of Egypt to the extent that it helped to grow the urbanization clearly, and the Syrian products that come to Egypt in the modern state are hardly counted A precious time of gold and silver, wood of rice, precious stones, horses and some wonders, such as bears and elephants.

He added that among these products are the ships, vehicles, weapons, "swords, spears and jibes", sticks and instruments, "canaries and various types of flutes" and vessels of various types, especially oil tractors, beer and wine, and various items of news, incense, fish, horses, cattle, bulls and many other things , And entered some of the Semitic words such as the Arabic writer "Saber" in Hebrew "travel".
Tags: Trade
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