نتيجة بحث الصور عن ‪Crops in Ancient Egypt‬‏
Ancient Egyptians planted three types of wheat, namely: Incoran Wallace. Unicorn is a kind of primitive, single grain grain. It is gerst to extracts with two rigid red entrees kept after lesson. Sniper, it contains two red light color. Wheat and barley used in making bread and beer.
Ancient Egyptians, in small gardens or local secondary species, a lot of vegetables, including onions, garlic, leeks, lettuce, Egypt (municipal council) gray cab, potash, paregos, lentils, peas, beans and lots of spices. She also planned sesame, linen and ricin. Extraction of vegetable oils. The planned business in Carmot is separate as well as gardens. They also planted palm trees, figs, migrants, melons and melons.
The ancient Egyptians had allocated land for flax cultivation, which was the main raw material in the textile industry. Papyrus, which grows in swamps along the river, makes the same paper as mats and sandals. Other new crops were introduced after Arab demand, such as rice and sugar cane: between the twelfth and thirteenth centuries
Tags: Agriculture
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