Lotus The most beautiful flower comes out of the mud

Lotus civilization

If we want to shorten the ancient Egyptian civilization in one word express the deepest secrets of this word will certainly be the Lotus civilization.

In ancient Egypt, the lotus flower was the "flower of divine beauty". The ancient Egyptian found this beautiful flower from the midst of mud and clay marshes a deep symbol of the emergence of the divine light from the darkness of the water of eternity at its first creation.

The lotus is associated with the rhythm of the sun (light), it dips under the surface of the swamps, and does not come out of the water except with the beginning of the sunrise.

The lotus does not come into existence except in the presence of light, and if the light is absent we are absent This beautiful beauty disappeared under the murky waters of the swamps.

The myths of the origin of the Egyptian universe (especially the Ashmonyan heritage) were that the universe was created from a "lotus flower" that emerged from Nun in eternity, and from the lotus flower the divine light emerged and created the world.

The sniffing of the lotus was one of the daily rituals of the ancient Egyptian. In many graves we see scenes of the ancient Egyptians holding the lotus and inhaling it.

Not only was the lotus flower used for inhalation, but it also made perfume, and its roots were also eaten.

When you look at the lotus flower scene, you notice that the lotus syringe seems to be in a hypnotic state. This state of consciousness is known as a trans state. It is a state of awareness in which a person is awake and sleep. Move to other worlds.

Scientists have recently discovered what the lotus (especially the blue lotus)
Of the special effect on the composition of the DNA of the human and stimulate and stimulate memory.

The lotus flower is the "spirit of Egypt" and the essence of its existence, and the disappearance of this flower
From the land of Egypt began the decline of Egyptian civilization, until it reached what it is now.

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