Agriculture in Egypt adopted, since prehistoric times, the waters of the Nile and doused it continuous annual Egyptian territories; Flooding, standing water wahlgren (silt). Thus, the land was irrigated annually regularly through what is known as the "Rey be getting along alright"; A system involves the division of the land to the pledged, which is the establishment of combatants of mud. The precipitation water from the channels to the docks. Each channel carries the water to about eight to be getting along alright; One after the other. In this way, more than the quorum of the closest to the shore of the river on those lands that are farther away. With time, irrigation methods developed in ancient Egypt; Towards industrial irrigation water: In order to maintain the surplus, after the flood, close to the beach of river basins for use in the ri more basins and spared by the flood water. This has been achieved through the digging of more channels and bridges. Industrial irrigation is an old Egyptian achievement requests full cooperation between the State and the nation; With perseverance.
Since the stability of the central administration of the state, continued the ancient Egyptians express Nile water level in the official records. The oldest records show flood cornerstone Palermo, from the Fifth Dynasty; And carries the number 63 record of Nile water. Instrument cluster, continues to develop, until the year 715 A.D .; While the Nile gauge or a gauge built kindergarten, on the island of the kindergarten. This measure continued to be used until the beginning of the 20th century. It was to monitor the level of the Nile water impact on the estimate of the value of taxes and the areas that can be irrigated during the year. The territories responsible, after the flood, the management of the Polders channels; While the land measurement and water, on the national level.
The Ptolemaic temples provided in each region as a separate economic unit; Set out the name of the canal, which narrates the region, and the arable land, located on the shore of the river coolio directly from its waters, as well as the borders of the territories which could have been reclaimed. Irrigation system was allowed to be getting along alright only grow one crop during the winter season; While the high lands away from the scope of the Flood is the only that could have been planed during the summer season. Therefore, when the ancient Egyptians invented the means to raise the water. now they can cultivate two harvests per year: Which was considered a tremendous progress in the field of irrigation. Shaduf was invented in the age of Al Amarna, a simple tool; And does not require in running more than two to four people. Chadov consist of a long shaft seemly hanging heavily upon one of the terminals installed by the BUCKET when the other party; It can lift 100 cubic meters of water in 12 hours, which is enough to Irrigate a little more than one third of an acre.
Invented The saguia El, in the PTOLEMAIC, to raise the water. And the circus awesome huge wheel set around its perimeter pottery pots. And dip de Saguia el in the water, then spin; To lift four to six cubic meters of water: 626 up to 285 cubic meters in 12 hours.
Tags: Agriculture
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