‪Egyptian legends‬‏

Ancient Egyptians narrated stories for entertainment, as well as for conveying the substance and substance of a message or moral wisdom. Storytelling in Egypt is like the foot of civilization itself.

However, the oldest written story confirmed history, surviving from ancient Egypt, dating back to the Middle Kingdom era; it was written in the ancient Egyptian language of Central Egypt, which was the classical language of the age.

The works that remained of ancient Egypt were much less than those of the ancient Egyptians themselves; most of the literary journeys were usually oral and never recorded.

One of the oldest stories, best and loved by the Egyptians, is the story of Sinuhi, which was preserved in six papyrus and about twenty-five Ostraca (or pottery kiln). The story was written in the form of a biography of a member of the court who fled from Egypt to West Asia upon the death of King Amenemhat I; After many years in the Orient, Sinouhi felt nostalgic for home; he wrote long letters asking forgiveness and forgiveness from King Senusert I, who allowed Sinouhi to return and take his place in the royal court.

The biography was the oldest form in Egyptian literature, and there are many examples of high quality. One of these is the autobiography of the official Winnie, who came from his chapel in Abydos. Winnie's service extended from King Tutti's reign to King Mernara, and Winnie was very much in favor of his close relationship with his first son, Pepe, to investigate the involvement of the Queen and Rite-Yamtis in a conspiracy against him.

The book "The Cow of Heaven" or "The Courtyard of Humanity," which at the end of the 18th Dynasty was inscribed on the golden cabin of King Tutankhamun, is an example of the mythical story of ancient Egyptian literature. The story describes how the Lord of the Sun Ra was confronted with a rebellion of humans. He sent Hathor, in a later version, to the earth in the form of a lioness; She was called by Ra, but she refused to return; he had to deceive her. One night he created a red beer with the appearance of human blood; In this way, Ra saved humanity.

Ancient Egyptian literature also provides examples of what can be called fantasy stories or popular stories, such as "The Story of the Brothers", "The Prince and His Destinies," or later: The Story of Cetney Khamas, son of Ramses II.

This is a story that describes how Cetney Khamas was fond of the magic texts of the past. He met a ghost who had long since died at his tomb in Saqqara. In a story within a story, he stood on an episode of that magician's life.

Tags: literature
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