The beloved young king (Mnkawra) son of the king (Khafra) in the fourth family was once sitting with his assistants in the garden of the palace to manage the conditions of the country and if a falcon appeared in the sky of the palace and dropped a shoe or shoes on the attendees and if the king saw him beat his heart took him in his hands contemplated Then he said: "If the sole is so beautiful, then what is the beauty of its companion?" The head of the court replied to him: "Whoever is the beauty of this owner is not a member of the royal blood, nor is it in its veins, so it is not appropriate to be of interest to Pharaoh." stir soled between his hands, he says to the President of the Court that the sons of this people are recruited and they are the builders of the Kingdom Hram who built Psoadhm sincere. The shepherd of a beautiful girl from the people called Khmeri Rabanti, who was on the river, took off her clothes on the beach and went down to the water to bathe while in the water, one of the falcons flew through the sky, attracted by the glitter of colorful stones that adorned her clothes, and quickly overtook him and kidnapped him. He said to the King (Mnkawra) in the garden of the palace and said one of the surrounding King: It is a message, Moulay (he threw a hawk from heaven) and the sky and a sign of God Horus God of heaven and it is a message to be decoded King said ( I chose my god Horus beautiful bride of the sons of the people Cha The King ordered the palace guards to roam all over the country in search of the beautiful shoe that fell on the Pharaoh's Council, and the days and weeks passed without reaching anything. Do not do your duty as you should) and look near the palace, the falcon can not fly from a great distance, and you must carry out the divine signal sent by the god Horus, if you do not meet it, you may be cursed by God. Pharaoh for the bride chosen by the god Horus and turned this pain To nearby areas. While Pharaoh lost his appetite for food and appeared to be signs of weakness and is waiting for the arrival of the bride Sharda, which had dreamed of

King said the hair Aaburan sweetheart who did not see it
I will stay in a sick patient It is not the cause of the disease Doctors, friends and people They come in to see me But unless you come to Gemayelah I do not need anyone It is known as a pie Only it is my drug

The king finally found the shoe owner and married her and became his beloved queen (Khmeri Rabanti), whom he loved very much and established her pyramid next to his pyramid and was a beautiful love story

Tags: Biographykingsliterature
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