Merit Amun was the daughter of Ramses II, the wife, and queen. Her statue was one of the most important archaeological finds in Akhmim, the tallest statue of an Egyptian monarch in history. The statue is a model of ancient Egyptian art in accuracy and color.
The discovery of the site where the statue of Queen Merritt Amun was found was found at the end of 1981 during the excavation of foundations at a site located in the heart of the city of Akhmim, Sohag.
Some archaeological evidence shows that it was the ruins of a 19th-century temple.
The Egyptian Antiquities Authority then began excavation work, which lasted until 1990. It resulted in the discovery of the first statue of the Queen of limestone.
The study of her titles recorded on the back panel of the statue shows that she was the daughter of King Ramses II, his goddess Hathor, the royal wife of Ramses II, and the fourth daughter of Ramesses.
There is a tomb in the Valley of the Queens, and its ark is now preserved in the Museum of Turin and has been shown on the walls of the Temple of Abu Simbel.
The statue was found on the side of the statue, missing the fragment. It was cleaned, reinforced and preserved in color.
In addition to excavations in the area, a number of statues were found, including two statues of Ramses II and a group of large granite columns.
It was clear from the studies prepared on that site that it was referred to in the manuscripts of Arab travelers such as Ibn Ayas.
The excavations resulted in the discovery of another huge statue depicting King Ramses II sitting in support of the statements of Arab travelers about the large temples and statues that existed in the ancient city of Akhmim.
In recent years, the Ministry of Culture has developed the site and prepared it for the visit, with stone walls surrounded by corridors and stairs for ease of visit. The royal statues were restored and a new base for the statue of Queen Mary Amun was created in the shape and size of the old base. The completion of the missing part of the statue, the restoration of the statue of Ramesses II, which was divided into three parts and the erection of the statue of the gods of Venus on a new base.
The site was opened on 1/10/1995.

This discovery was recorded by the great director Shadi Abdel Salam in one of his films.
Dr. Mahmoud Mabrouk completed the carving of the feet and the leg. He also raised the two feathers of the crown and weighed 2 tons. They were mounted on the head of the statue to become 14 meters high. This is the largest and most beautiful statue of his kingdom in the world. The discovery of the site where the statue of Queen Merritt Amun was found at the end of 1981 during the digging of foundations in a site located in the heart of the city of Akhmim in Sohag.
Some archaeological evidence shows that it was the ruins of a 19th-century temple.
The Egyptian Antiquities Authority then began excavation work, which lasted until 1990. It resulted in the discovery of the first statue of the Queen of limestone.
The study of her titles recorded on the back panel of the statue shows that she was the daughter of King Ramses II, his goddess Hathor, the royal wife of Ramses II, and the fourth daughter of Ramses.

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