Trade in Ancient Egypt

Egypt, Ancient, Archeology, Pyramid

With the beginning of the ancient state about 2780 BC. Shortly before that, the ancient Egyptians began to contact their neighbors in the east in Asia through Sinai, especially Phoenician coasts, where cedar trees and in the west to Libya and then to the south where Nubia and Central Africa. These relations were consolidated during the Middle Kingdom and increased during the Age of the Imperator (the modern state). This contact was sometimes peaceful through trade or diplomatic exchange and sometimes it was a military war to discipline those who begged himself to attack Egypt or invaded Egypt externally. The first type of communication during the peacetime was a large-scale trade exchange. The Egyptian ships were traveling from White Bahrain to Asia or from the land route and the Red Sea to the south, where the coasts of Africa and Puntland, or through the Nile or land convoys. Egypt imported timber from Libya, mainly cedar wood, leather, metal, wood, textiles, and tools from Crete. From the west, Egypt imported oil from Libya, south of Nubia, central Africa, Sudan, agricultural crops, trees, ivory, feathers, animals, and incense. This shows what the Egyptians left behind on the walls of the tombs and in the monuments found in the tombs. The scenes show the kinds of clothes, furniture, and tools used by the ancient Egyptians, especially nobles, and what was found in furniture, tools, utensils, jewelry ... etc. While Egypt was exporting its products of jewelry, utensils, linen, and papyrus even to see that the Syrian markets were flooded with Egyptian products and the Egyptian markets were filled with arms, weapons, and Syrian manufacturers. Top of the page and the most important commercial trips to Phenicia and returned ships and forty ships loaded with wood, furniture, and doors to the palaces in the reign of King "Senefru" the first kings of the fourth family about 2680 BC. The king also "Sahore" the fifth family days. In the era of the modern state, the 18th Dynasty, Queen Hatshepsut sent about 1450 BC the voyage of its famous fleet to Puntland. Ships returned loaded with perfume, ebony, ivory, ostrich feathers, precious stones, incense, and spices. In addition to the peaceful contact, the military liaison between the Egyptian army and the defense of Egypt and the discipline of the foreign countries attacking Egypt or when the invasion of Egypt resulted from these wars brought prisoners from this country and Aslab represented in animals and ornaments and other seized by the Egyptian army and when the invasion came the enemy armed Also with supplies and tools that helped to exchange knowledge and experience in materials and manufactures, whether clothing, animals, weapons or tools. Although there was a major role for Egyptian trade with the peoples of the ancient world, it helped to spread the Egyptian civilization greatly among these peoples and their civilizations were influenced by the Egyptian civilization.

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