Her father, Ptolemy XII, wished to be followed on the throne by his son Ptolemy XIII, his eldest son, and his seventh eldest daughter, Kilopatra.

King died in the spring of 51 BC and left the throne to Abnath and wrote a will before his death to Rome to Tvz the commandment, two Governors ruled Egypt appeared to strangers in 51 BC and, Ptolemy XIII was ten years old, and his sister Kluotra in the eighteenth And according to the customs of the Ptolemaic royal family married the brothers (Ptolemy XIII and Cleopatra VII) !!!!!!

In three years, Cleopatra was expelled from Egypt and stood by her army on the Egyptian-Syrian border, ready to provide for her rights against her brother.

In the meantime, Julius Caesar invaded Italy, Pompey gathered his forces to a counter attack in Macedonia. The following year, Julius Caesar defeated Pompey in the Battle of Persalus. The latter fled with a small group of ships to Egypt.

And put implacably plan by tile Potolemaic to kill Pompey, and the sector (one courtiers Potolemaic) two allowed followers and some criminals and Anzla Pompey from a boat to a small boat, and Pompey had really calm which shocked was on his companions and tried to start with them But when the little boat reached the beach Pompey got up to land on the ground, the three men rushed to stab until he died, and his head was cut off and they took it and left the body on the beach.

A few days later, on October 2, 48 BC, Julius Caesar arrived in Alexandria and entered Medea and toured the neighborhoods of the royal palace. Alexandria residents complained about this visit.

Caesar decreed that the two kings should settle their disputes, expel their troops and be subject to arbitration. His view is that he is representative of the Roman people who documented Ptolemy 12 in carrying out his will. Ptolemy moved from his camp to Alexandria, while Cleopatra was prevented from communicating her wishes to Caesar except through intermediaries , But was determined to defend its cause, and seek the approval of Caesar, and enter into the game all its political potential and smooth.

Cleopatra secretly entered Caesar, whom he had even admired and summoned her brother Ptolemy. But when Ptolemy entered the palace, his sister and his wife Cleopatra were found with Caesar Ezz, and Marhula was victorious in the streets of Alexandria, stirring the feelings of the Alexandrians, them Caesar, saying to them that he carried out the commandment of their father, and days after he met the people of Alexandria and read them the commandment, which states that rule the seventh Msrcleopetra with her older brother and to sponsor Rome implementation of the commandment, but it's just signed a war known as a war of Alexandria, and In which Caesar fought and brought to Alexandria many military supplies, mm Reflects the extent of violent resistance that faced in Egypt, even though the war ended in his favor, he did not want to announce the annexation of Egypt to the Romanian empire, but carried out the commandment and started Ptolemy 14 (because his brother Ptolemy 13 killed in the war) and with Cleopatra on the throne of Egypt.

Caesar was killed in 44 BC, the band signed between supporters of Caesar and the war took place between them where he defeated Aoctavjnos on Antonius in the battle of Mutina then became Aoctavjnos consuls in 43 BC and went to the agreement with the rest of the supporters of Caesar Antonius leaders and Abdos and Tksmt empire, including , And after the victory of Caesar's party led by Antonius and Aktavianos in the battle of Philip in 42 BC. Antonius was assigned to organize the eastern states.
Antonius arrived in Ephesus, and from there he summoned the rulers of the East, who helped his enemies. They went away except Cleopatra, and sent her to meet him in Kilkia. Cleopatra went in a royal procession that smelled of the East and charmed him to Tarsus using all her known means. Known for the control of Antonius, and strengthened its relationship with him, and returned to Alexandria could not stay away leaving one of his assistants in Kilkia. In Alexandria, he played, played and played until 40 BC
The circumstances forced Antonius to distance himself from Alexandria to get rid of his wife Volfia and reconcile with Aktavianos, and when he arrived in Antioch until Cleopatra called and married her in the autumn of 37 BC. He confessed to the mandate of Alexander the Helios (the sun) and Cleopatra Seleni (Moon) The property of their grandfather Ptolemy Philadelphus, namely Khalkis, Central Syria, Kilkia, Thrace, Cyprus, and part of the shores of Palestine.
Cleopatra retrieved most of her possessions abroad, and when she gave birth to him again she named her child Ptolemy Philadelphus after the property of his grandfather Ptolemy Philadelphus returned. (Philadelphus = Loving his brother in Greek).

There was a dispute between Octavianus and Antonius because of the land he gave to the sons of Cleopatra, which led to the war between them ended with the defeat of Antonius in the Battle of the Aktium Sea and his suicide on August 30 BC. (The cause of his suicide as a result of defeat and low value and his failure in front of Octavianos Not because of his love for Cleopatra as alleged ignorant)

And Aoctavjnos that did not accept the throne passed from Cleopatra to one of her sons, she chose Antanthr that Rome enter in a procession of victory, the humiliation and shame serial, and he preferred to kill Nksha holy killers Lakeh cobras and that was in August, the year 30 BC.

In the dawn of one of the days of mid-August 8/30 BC. One of the servants of Queen Kelopatra, the Cobra snake, made her way after she heard the defeat of her friend, the Roman commander Marc Antony, in the war. The poisonous Cobra snake remained a motto of Ptolemaic monarchy in the Ptolemaic era, or a pair of snakes if we could believe the words of the Roman poets Virgil, Horace, and Propertius Some historians have mentioned that the left royal shoulder is the one that received the first sting and the other said it is the left bare breast

Cleopatra committed suicide in this state of desperation by placing a poisonous animal on her chest. The new invader Octavius Caesar hoped that the queen who ruled Egypt would walk in his victory procession in Rome, but soon saw her body and went to organize the government. He declared Egypt's annexation to the Romanian people. Too many words do not contain more than five words

The name of Attacheus Augustus until the end of the wisdom and the birth of Egypt's annexation to the Roman Empire called the month that included Egypt after the civil war against Antonius
After her death, the Romans killed Caesars for fear of claiming the Roman Empire as the heir to Julius Caesar and his heir.
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