George Ibs found an ancient Egyptian papyrus in the city of Luxor, known to date as the Iberis. This papyrus is dated to 1550 BC and is one of the largest and most important medical papyri
The ancient Egyptian doctor (who wrote with amazing scientific accuracy) describes the disease of schistosomiasis in detail and described its symptoms and complications as well as description of the worm schistosomiasis detailed description has been called by the ancient Egyptians worm Hrrw

Not only these puzzling papyrus to describe the disease and parasites causing it, but touched on the subject of medical is very important methods of prevention of this disease and the most important not to shower or stand in stagnant water as well as the ancient Egyptians were the first to use antimony salts, which we knew in the nineteenth century Tartir vomiting in the treatment of schistosomiasis and they were honest with all honesty, as the doctor said in his famous bar that this drug, although effective in the elimination of schistosomiasis, but it is not free of side effects
In 1910, the famous British scientist Dr. Armand Rover published a great research in the British Medical Journal on its various discoveries. The microscopy of the schistosomiasis found in the kidneys showed many mummies dating back to 1200 BC. The discoveries then revealed the complications of urinary schistosomiasis in the ureters and bladder In ancient Egyptian mummies.

The ancient Egyptian treated patients with schistosomiasis in a genius style and because the syringes were unknown to them have been replaced by the manufacture of medicine is an anal bosom absorbed the colon and affects the disease in a strong and fast
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