She was the wife of "Sakhnin Ra Ta'o" (II), one of the heroes of "Thebes" in the "Hixus" war, and the mother of King Ahmose I, the editor of Egypt of the invaders,
The importance of this queen and her fame as one of the great queens in this family was due to her prominent role in the struggle for Egypt against the Hyksos. This was evidenced by the text of a stone plaque found in front of the eighth edifice of the temples of Karnak and began with the titles of King Ahmose and his works, This was a passage for his mother, the queen, "Ihah-hatt", in which everyone was commanded to glorify her. He said:

"Praise the Lady of the Earth, the Lady of the Mediterranean Islands (Hao Nebo), famous in every foreign country, who sets plans for the people, the husband of the king, the sister of the king, , Which sponsored the affairs of Egypt, which took care of the order of its army, and put it under its care, were the ones who brought back the fugitives, and gathered the fugitives, which calmed the south, and subjected the revolutionaries, the husband of the king,

Ahmose's description of this painting is a clear indication of the great role his mother played in Egypt's struggle against the Hyksos. It was the power that helped create the national spirit and ignite its fire, the spirit that was broadcast in the courageous Egyptians, prompting them to give a boost One to demand freedom and independence and to expel invaders from the country.

She was still struggling with her husband until he was killed in the battle of honor. She pushed her to bear the burden. She helped her son Kamas with all her strength. Then came his brother Ahmose, who took upon himself the task of extricating himself. Egypt from the clutches of the occupiers, to restore to it its stolen dignity, and to abandon the colonialism, and the humiliation of the occupation.

The "Hahat-Hatp" proved that Egyptian women can have the hardness and determination of men and that if they struggle and believe what they struggle for, they will reap the fruits of their struggle. She wanted to "liberate" Egypt's liberation, so she had what she wanted with her determination and the resolve of her husband, and her two sons, Kamis and Ahmose.

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