One of the most important queens in the early period of this period, namely the seventeen-year-old Taybiya, which fought against the invasion of the Hyksos to the north of the country, is Queen Teti Chery. Queen Ahmetus I, and one of the women who played a special role in motivating and supporting the 17th Dynasty kings in their struggle against the Hyksos.

King Ahmus I remained loyal to her, and left us a painting to tell us how much the grandchild's grandma, the painting of the king picture us sitting to his wife, as if they think what they can do to their ancestors:

"I remember my mother's mother and my father's mother, the great wife of the king, and the mother of the king, the revered Teti Cheri. Today she has a burial chamber and a tomb over the territory of the Tibetan province and the district. Abidos, but I tell you this because my majesty thought to set up a pyramid in the Holy Land near my Majesty's impact, "said His Majesty.

Queen "Teti Cheri", the holy grandmother of the 18th Dynasty.
The grandmother of "Ahmose I", and the mother of "Hahtp"

As his great-great-granddaughter, this was the glory of his mother, "Hahat Hatf", who seemed to have played an important role during the war of liberation and had the power of the days of her son's reign. He left us a plate in the "Karnak", came upon it:

"They praised the country's lady, the woman of the Mediterranean islands, whose name is respected in all the foreign countries. She is the one who sets plans for the people, the husband of the king and the sister of the king. She lived with life, safety and health; she is the sister of a king and mother of the king. It gathered its army, protected the people, returned the fugitives, dispersed the emigrants, calmed down the fears of the people of the Upper Egypt, and subjugated those who were in it, the royal wife, who gave her life.

It is clear from the previous text that Queen Ihtep has played a distinguished role in foreign policy with the beginning of the modern state era and the beginning of the Egyptian empire's development abroad, which can be understood by calling it "the lady of the Mediterranean islands, whose name is respected in all foreign countries" , Which made its name weight and weight of the rulers and peoples of the country and the foreign islands at the time.

Tags: Biographyqueens
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