Temple of Hatshepsut

The ancient Egyptians were trading many of the stories of the origin of the universe, and of them
Stories about "nitro" buried under the temples of Egypt
Who are these divine beings?
The most famous example of these divine beings buried in the earth is "Ozer" Whose body was buried (in the form of pieces) throughout Egypt, Each of Egypt's largest cities was part of his body Buried underground. But Ozer was not the only divine being buried in the earth,
There are many cities and temples that claim to have divine beings Buried by them are known as sons of God, or parts of his body.
The city of Heliopolis (Euno) was called a cemetery buried by the "body of Ra" In the city of Hermopolis (Khimno), the ancient Egyptians believed that there were eight divine beings (Thamon Ashmoneen) who worked to remove the "Ra" (light of the Divine) from the water of eternity for the first time, and after the emergence of "Ra" to exist, buried these The divine beings in the city of Hermopolis.
Near Edfu Temple, at the edge of the desert, ancient Egyptians believed that there was a cemetery buried with "divine beings"
"Atom-Ra", and that it was Ra who ordered them to be baptized and buried in the same Where they landed.
What is the shape of these divine beings and how was their body, which was mummified and buried in the ground?
If we look at the most famous example of buried divine beings, which is "Ozer", the texts Ancient Egyptian was describing his body as being made of iron (bja), which is
The meteorite (which fell in the form of meteorites), which led to the emergence of life on Earth. It was the meteorite that formed the body of Auser And also the body of all the divine beings that fell on the Earth and played an important role in the origin of life on the planet, because it is brought With it the energy of life that led to the appearance of living beings on this The Planet.
The ancient Egyptian looked at the meteorites as divine beings She made the process of creation and brought with her life to the earth, and then afterward She died, so they had to sanctify her and treat her as the body of the deceased
Must be embalmed and buried.
There is further evidence of the tradition of the burial of iron meteorites in Ancient Egypt, an example that we find in the cemetery of Petosiris in Betunah, which dates back to the 4th century BC.
He was the chief priest of "Thoth / Hermes" in Hermopolis,
On the walls of the graveyard, a text was recorded about some of the events Occurred in Egypt in a period of chaos, when the vandals attacked One of the temples is known as "the place where all the divine beings were born" This temple was the place where the remains of the "cosmic egg" were buried "Ra" (the divine light) came out in the first time.
The criminals destroyed the temple and dug down the temple and extracted it The sacred heritage (remnants of the cosmic egg) buried under the foundations of the temple.
This subversive act was a horrendous act shaken by the "two lands" What are the remnants of the "cosmic egg" mentioned in the cemetery of Petrosiris?
The texts of Edfu Temple and Matun the coffins indicate that the universe was created from "an egg Ironed "(or frost) and came out of creation. Therefore, the sacred remains referred to in the heritage of Hormopolis are certainly meteorites containing the sacred metal ... "Iron".
This text from the tomb of Petrozeres is one of the important archaeological evidence From which we know one way of keeping iron meteorites in ancient Egypt It is buried meteorites under the temples of Egypt.
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