magic in ancient Egypt

This question can not be answered as soon as some instructions are given And commands. The secrets of magic science can not be obtained by Diploma or pass examinations.
Science in modern times has been reduced to rules and instructions far away Distance from practice and living. Unlike the ancient Egyptian civilization In which the science of magic was entirely dependent on practice.
Certainly there was in ancient Egypt a way for a man to be
It becomes charming, but this road was not a rational one.
Ancient Egyptian texts still preserve this science, and can be understood His symbols are through intuition and intelligence of the heart, not rational cognition.
The text 261 of the texts of the coffins bears the title "Becoming a Magician" This text describes the position of one of the students of magic science who has just graduated
And became charming.
The graduate stands before his teachers of magicians who are all standing in Hazrat The universe, and ask them to recognize it because it knows them all, who they are
Help him and guide his footsteps on the path of science.
Is not he the object created by the one God before he creates the earth and what is on it And before the appearance of poles ... Night and day, light and darkness, good and evil.
The magician presents himself as the one who organizes the cosmic forces.
This text seems strange to us. It does not offer practical technics to teach magic,
It is a text on metaphysics, spirituality and the creation of the universe.
The only technical instructions that we find in this text are the instructions that describe the magician's commitment to silence in that unique "Hadra" which is set up for his graduation at the School of Magic and to be recognized as charming.
Where the magician sits silent in front of his teachers, who are called "bulls of heaven", and recognize him as one who "possess the power of the story"
That eternal power that came in the miracle of creation, and capable of coming With all the miracles.
In order for a person to progress as a student in the magic school, he must first He goes through an interview, in which the old masters test him not in supernatural abilities but in his knowledge of the secrets of divine / sacred love.
The task of the magician is to communicate with the eternal light, the divine light from which the universe was created and which contains within it the power of magic in its purest form.

Tags: Magic and Mysteries
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