
Imhotep was born in Ankh-Tawy, a suburb of Memphis, on the sixteenth day of the month of Abib (the Egyptian name for the third month of the harvest season).
The exact year of its birth is uncertain, but can be roughly determined by about 3000 BC, since Imhotep
Was a contemporary of King Zoser, whose reign dates back to 2980 BC.
Imhotep is descended from the father of a prominent architect named Ka-Nefer,
And a mother called Khredu-Ankh, probably belonged to Mendes.
Imhotep grew up with a multi-talented, well-informed man of Aristotle's genius, who brought together various branches of knowledge and was famous for his broad knowledge.
The name "Imhotep" means the ancient Egyptian language (which comes in peace) is a name that fits perfectly with a man who treats patients, and no doubt that this name was a consolation and courage in many of the
Sick patients.
And the titles carried by Imhotep:
(The Minister of the Chief Justice overseeing the records of the king bearing the royal ring the head of all the king's work overseeing what comes to the sky and what comes out of the land and what brings the Nile supervisor of everything in all the country doctor, "Those who hold religious rites" Hakim and astronomer Advisor to the King of Egypt, the lowest man of the King of Upper Egypt, the director of the Great House noble heritage of the chief priests Eono "Heliopolis" Imhotep).
There is an interesting incident concerning the Emhotep Ministry under the reign of King Zoser, registered on the so-called "Famine Plate" on Suhail Island, a text that was re-written in the Ptolemaic period of the King Zoser era from the Third Dynasty of the Old State.
The story describes a period of famine that occurred in Egypt due to the Nile's failure for seven consecutive years to reach its normal flood level. The famine was attributed to the king's negligence in offering the duties of sanctification and reverence for "Khenom", the Lord of the first waterfall, and one of the nitro (divine beings) Which control the sources of the Nile.
King Zoser was filled with concern and concern for the disaster that plagued the country and asked for help from his Minister of Trust Imhotep. He asked him where the Nile was born. And the divine beings that control it.
Minister Emhotep came to inform him of the "hidden wonders that a king did not know from a long time ago." He advised him to build a temple for Khenum near the first waterfall.
King Zoser ordered the construction of the temple "Khnum" Nubia and visited him. "Khenum" responded to the King's wish and appeared to him in the dream and promised that the Nile would rise And will not land again.
The story of this famine highlights the good relations between Minister Emhotep and Maliké Zoser. It seems clear that Emhotep had the trust of his kings, and we also do not doubt that he was loved by the people who were seeking his well-being with sincerity.

Tags: Biographypublic figures
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