Large numbers of religious texts and drawings were inscribed on the walls of tombs and the roofs of coffins in ancient Egypt. These texts were considered to be magical powers; they provided torches and detailed travel maps of the afterlife. The oldest group of cemeteries known as Mtoun al-Ahram was found in the tomb of Onas in Saqqara; it was considered the basis of theology and literature in ancient Egypt. It was later classified and supplied with illustrations of what is known as the mantle of coffins in the Middle Kingdom era and later developed into the so-called Book of the Dead. The book, which deals with the things of the other world, which was called Amotot,  became an important text in the modern state. The book describes the journey of the Sunbeam through the twelve hours of the night, with illustrations to guide the deceased. After the Akhenaten era, a new set of texts revolved around Knut, which swallows the sun god in the evening and returns in the morning.
After Alexander the Great conquered Egypt, the Greeks integrated their culture into the culture of the existing Egyptian society; they united their religion with the beliefs of the Egyptians. The funerary texts continued to appear in the tombs and many Egyptian texts were translated into the Greek language during the Ptolemaic period.
Bible translations were the most important religious texts for Copts, but they also enjoyed texts about the stories of saints and other religious stories. The life and struggle of martyrs, monks, sheiks, and patriarchs of the Church were described in vivid and influential ways. It is known that it was encouraging its readers to enter monastic systems and follow the path of virtue. The Copts also wrote poems and songs of praise known as psalms. The Fathers of the Church wrote in many theological subjects, and the moving passages of the most famous patriarchs were written.

The Quran is the most important religious texts for Muslims. The Holy Book was revealed to the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) through the revelation that Gabriel had brought to him for twenty-three years. A book of guidance for followers of the doctrine of Islam, and describes the relationship of man to his Creator; and the creation of God. The Quran contains one hundred and fourteen Surat. Muslims appreciate precious copies of the Holy Qur'an, which are decorated with beautiful decorative lines. Texts from the Holy Qur'an often adorn architectural elements and other features, contents, and tools, such as mosque lamps and candlesticks.

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