Pyramids and the creation

Pyramids and the creation 

They built the pyramid to be a symbol of the story of creation.
The Pyramid of Khufu is distinguished from the other pyramids of Egypt, with the king's chamber at 140 feet high. Inside it is the granite box in which the ancient Egyptians kept iron meteorites, the sacred metal from which the celestial bodies were created.
The conservation of meteorites on this rise is a repetition of the first evolutionary model When the God cast the molten iron from the eternal depths of the earth into heaven To be the raw material from which the sun, stars and earth are created.
All of this depends, of course, on the presence of very high global energy charging iron The meteorite located inside the granite box is the life card.
Iron without life energy is a lifeless dead substance
(Just like the human body after death) and can not come with the miracle of creation.
The mystery of creation lies in the word "..." ... which is the word spoken by God In eternity.
The word creation is a particular vibration or frequency, which is The frequencies from Earth, or "Earth's Voice"
Or "Earth ringing" That creative word is the same vibrations of Earth's mother, which are vibrations naudible, that is, the human ear can not pick it up but it exists
And can be measured with modern equipment as did the German physicist Shoman, where he measured frequencies of 7.83 HZ frequency and was known as
"Schumann Resonance".
The idea of ​​the word "creation" is not a strange idea for the Egyptian mind The heavenly Egyptian contains many references to the idea "Creation by Word".
The pyramids of the pyramids and the mantle of the coffins tell the context of the story of creation that the God
He ascended from the eternal earth to heaven, and this ascension was accompanied And that he was sent in the form of the "Holy Word".
Sound plays a major role in the events of the origin of the universe. And that sound Is the voice of the earth.
The construction of the pyramid is designed to attract and intensify the Earth's vibrations In the King's Chamber where the iron canals are stored in the boxGranite, and in the presence of the sacred metal (meteorite) created
From which celestial bodies, and the presence of Earth vibrations (the vibrations that make up the word eternal creation), a similar process of camellia
Completely by the events of the first emergence when God spoke the word creation and came out
The universe to exist using iron as raw material / eternal.

Tags: discoveriesMagic and Mysteries


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