The legends of the creation and iron 

The legends of the creation and iron
Iron and creation

The legends of the creation of the Egyptian universe had  spoken about  one of the stages in which iron played a major role. Life appeared on earth after "throwing iron into the sky" (or from heaven).

Modern scientific theories say that molten iron forms the nucleus of the planet and that iron is the fourth most abundant element in the earth's crust.

The earth was originally formed (more than 4 billion years ago) by the explosion of a giant star in the age of aging and then in the supernova stage. When it exploded, it threw large amounts of iron into space, in addition to other gases
The Koni dust then gathered as a result of gravity and then formed the sun, the earth and the moon.

And after the formation of the earth began to cool gradually but was free of life, Life only appeared on Earth after an intense invasion of meteorites Which contained iron metal, and this metal was loaded with a life card.

It was this heavy rain of iron meteorites that brought life to Earth, having been lifeless for about 2 billion years.
Mtoun Al-Ahram and Matun Al-Tawabit narrate this story (the role of iron in the emergence of life), but in the form of intermittent parts, there is no text contained
On the whole story.

For example, in these texts, there is a mention of what is known as "the day when the storm swept through the earth" - a day of intense storm accompanied by chaos and violence, in which the sky suffocated and filled with the nerro.

The texts also describe this event in a symbolic way, in the form of God Fighting against the forces of darkness and chaos, and defeats them all in Day of the Great Cosmic Battle.

It is stated in the maton of the coffins that the king of Egypt plays the role of "Ra" (the light of the divine)
Who defeated the forces of chaos and darkness when he was in the shape of a cat Known as the "Cat Heliopolis". 
The text says: *I am a great heliopolip cat who cut the tree "Alishd" To two halves on the night of the decisive battle in which the light won over All his enemies *

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