‪Leaders in ancient Egypt‬‏

Throughout its long history, Egypt has experienced difficult times of terrible upheaval and has experienced long periods of great prosperity. Leaders who have united the country, expelled the invaders and conquered the neighboring countries are highlighted as rulers that have strengthened Egypt's power. Other leaders were known for their contribution to Egyptian civilization; from the construction of architectural monuments to the support of arts and culture, the establishment of schools and the establishment of libraries.

In prehistoric times, many human settlements became small tribal kingdoms; they eventually evolved into two states: one in the north and one in the south. King Narmer Narmer, also known as King Mena, succeeded in uniting the two and establishing a centralized central government around 3200 BC. This established the rules of Pharaonic rule in Egypt, which was divided into thirty families (dynasty).

The rulers of the ancient state completed impressive construction projects. The pyramid of King Zoser was the first recorded architectural work executed with stones. The pharaohs built Khufu, Khafra and Menqra a major pyramids in Giza. King Senefro sent military campaigns to distant lands, including Libya and Nuba.

Then the leadership weakened after the age of the old state, and Egypt is no longer a central authority. The struggle of the north and the south to regain control of the entire Egyptian territory continued, and again, until about 2065 BC; when King Montohotep II restored order and security to the country. And resumed military campaigns to Libya and Nuba and the Sinai Desert; One of the most important kings of the Middle Kingdom was Amenemhat, who extended his kingdom to Palestine and Syria. The Middle Kingdom era ended with the invasion of the Hyksos of Egypt.

Ahmus I of Hyksos was expelled from Egypt, establishing the modern state. Egyptian civilization flourished during that era; Egypt became a superpower. After a period of peace during the reign of Queen Hatshepsut, King Thutmose III extended his kingdom beyond Nubia and across the Euphrates River. By the time of King Amenhotep the Third Egypt was rich and secure enough to build the magnificent temple of Luxor. His fourth son, Amenhotep, changed his name to Akhenaten and tried to establish the worship of the One God; After his death, the Egyptians returned to practice their first religious beliefs. Ramses I and his successors were warlords who regained many lands lost in the reigns of former rulers, including Palestine, Nubia, the Near East and Asia Minor. Ramses I also built monumental monuments and buildings.

In 332 BC, Alexander the Great took over Egypt, putting an end to the Pharaonic era in Egypt, beginning with the Greco-Roman era. The Ptolemies ruled Egypt with complete success, then, for about two and a half centuries. Ptolemy I of Egypt made great commercial and naval power. Queen Cleopatra VII, the last of the Ptolemies, allied himself with Caesar I and then Antonio; but by defeating Octavian (Caesar), Egypt became a Roman province.

After the fall of Rome, the Byzantine era began with Emperor Constantine. The Byzantines ruled Egypt from Constantinople; until the Arab conquest in 642 AD, led by Amr ibn al-Aas. Egypt became part of an extended empire under the Umayyad rule until the Abbasids seized power and transferred the capital of the Caliphate to Baghdad. In 868 AD, Ahmad Ibn Tulun and Alia were appointed to Egypt. He was able to travel to Egypt from the Abbasids for thirty-seven years.

The Fatimids separated from the Sunni Caliphate and established their capital in Egypt, Cairo, in 969 AD. The Fatimids ruled the empire from their capital until 1171, when Saladin seized power. Saladin built the castle and repelled the Crusader attacks, and began a golden age in Egypt. It has established numerous institutions, including schools and hospitals. After the rule of the Ayyubids ended, with the Queen the only Durr Al-Malikah that ruled during the reigns of Muslim rule, the Mamluks ascended to power. Sultan Qalawun, and successor to Sultan Al-Nasir Muhammad, were builders of bones; they worshiped mosques, castles and others in Cairo. Sultan Qaitbay was another great patron of architecture during the Mamluk period.

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