The Amulets of Heliopolis 

The Amulets of Heliopolis

The first lesson learned by the novice sorcerer from his masters in magic science is that every problem man faces in this material world is found for a reason in the spiritual world. Everything happens first in the world of the soul, then reflected on the earth (as above, as below).
So the magician had to learn the history of the divine beings, how they arose and arranged their appearance, genealogy, theology, the genesis of the universe, and all the myths that tell the story of creation.
In this science, the magician will find the solution to all problems.

It is a magic ritual that the magician trains his consciousness to concentrate in a perfect balance between the four originals (north, south, east and west). Thus, the magician becomes a model or a miniature image of the universe and can attract invisible invisible forces and guide them according to his will.

One of the important tests that a magician must undergo is the ego test, where his teachers in one ritual strip him of the ego, the personal view of existence. The magic of the ego (personality) can be left to the universe through which the professors of magic sometimes use certain herbal formulations (potions) during this weather in order to prepare the student to enter into a state of higher consciousness (trance state of mind), and they ship A card to prepare the student for his new role in life.

When the magician influences the material, he does not use his personal energy, but he invokes a greater cosmic force to do so. In the magical texts, the magician always confirms that he is not the speaker, but the speaker is the divine ability inherent in him (and each object has an inherent capacity in it).

One of the most interesting magical rituals in ancient Egypt is the idea of ​​using the seal, an idea dating back to the beginning of the first family.

To put a seal on something that means to make the Divine presence in it.

The seal is originally the instrument of the king who is considered the chief priest and the spiritual leader who stands at the top of the pyramid of spiritual knowledge in ancient Egypt.

To put the royal seal on something, it meant that this thing became "divinely".

And the most famous types of seals in ancient Egypt are those that took the form of scarab ..., the symbol of the Baath / transformation / evolution.
And when the king issues an order and places the royal seal upon him, he is

Fully aware of the seriousness of this matter and aware of the consequences and bear full responsibility for this matter.

One of the most important stages of the magician's learning and ascension is the stage in which the Amulets of Heliopolis begin to be attributed. These amulets are attributed to the city of Heliopolis, because it is the city of all the sacred sciences in ancient Egypt, including magic.

And wearing a magician some of the mascots of Heliopolis meant he had special magic abilities.

The amulets of Heliopolis were also placed above the mummies before burial because of the magic power that prevents them from decomposition.

Tags: discoveriesMagic and Mysteries
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