Ramses II

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Ramses II

 Ramses II is the third Pharaoh of the Nineteenth Dynasty, his father was King City I. Ramses II in 1303 BC and ruled Egypt for 67 years from 1279 BC. Until 1212 BC. He ascended to power in his early twenties. He thought he lived until he was 99, but he probably died in his early nineties. Ancient Greek writers (such as Herodotus) attributed his achievements to the semi-legendary King Senusert III, who lived in the Middle Kingdom and was called the Greek Sistostris. His life Ramses II is a child Ramses II was the son of King of Egypt, the first and Queen of Toya, and his most beloved wife, Queen Nefertari. He also had a number of secondary wives, including his wife Isis Nofret, Maat Hor Nafro Ra, and Princess Hatti. His sons were about 90 daughters and their son: Bentanath and security guard, six sisters. His son Prince Merneptah, who succeeded his father as king on Egypt's throne. Finally, Prince Kha mother and AST, which restored the effects of his ancestors. He was a courageous young man, and this indicates that he was playing with the beloved mother, who was nine years old and then the mother of the crown, on the occasion of the ninth birthday. From that day, the first city of Ramses II taught how to be ruler and leader of his people. His names Like most Egyptian kings, Ramses had several names. The two most important of them: His royal name and his original name appear in hieroglyphics to the left. These names are written in Arabic as follows: the secret of Mauthar - Stepn and also the Golden Falcon Ra, and the second name: Ra Maso - Mary Amoun, and with them: "Qui Ra and Maat, Mukhtar of Ra, and the second name in Arabic: the spirit of Ra, beloved Amun. In the recital of the aforementioned peace treaty with Hattuselis III, the name of the king appears as follows: and the streets of Staphena are rattlesnakes. His military life Ramses II Ramses II led several campaigns northward to the Levant, and in the Battle of Kadesh II in the fourth year of his reign (1274 BC), the Egyptian forces under his command, together with the forces of Moatales King of the Hittites lasted for fifteen years but neither side was able to defeat The other party. Thus in the twenty-first year of his reign (1258 BC), Ramses II concluded a treaty with Hattusilis III, the oldest peace treaty in history. Ramses II also led several expeditions south of the first waterfall to the land of Nubia. Ramses established the city of Bar-Ramisu in the east of the delta, where he managed his battles with the Hittites. Some claimed that he had taken the new capital of the country. And the greatest of what the left of temples and traces left there. Ramses II was distinguished in the martial arts and wars and was smart thinking and solving the same moment. He was also skillful in horseback riding, fighting with swords, fencing and throwing arrows. He was also good with a moral and loving spirit for his people. And the greatest of what the left of temples and traces left there. Ramses II was distinguished in the martial arts and wars and was smart thinking and solving the same moment. He was also skillful in horseback riding, fighting with swords, fencing and throwing arrows. He was also good with a moral and loving spirit for his people. excitement The limit of the Egyptian Empire during the reign of Ramses II. During the reign of Ramses, he built a large number of buildings beyond any other Egyptian king. He began to complete the temple that his father started in Abydos and then built a small temple next to his father's temple, but he was destroyed, leaving only ruins. (The 19th-century scholars on this funerary temple called the Ramessium in relation to Ramses II), a huge funerary temple built by Ramses Laman and himself, with a huge head taken from this temple and taken to the British Museum. Ramses also built the magnificent masterpiece of Abu Simbel Temple. It has a large temple carved into the rock. The entrance to the temple is guarded by four large statues of Ramses II, seated. The height of each statue is more than 20 meters. The temple is also carved into the rock for his wife Nefertari and dedicated to the worship of the goddess Hathor With a cow's head. At the front of the temple, there are 6 large statues, four of which stand for Ramses II and 2 of Queen Nefertari. The statue rises to about 10 meters. The height of each statue is more than 20 meters. The temple is also carved into the rock for his wife Nefertari and dedicated to the worship of the goddess Hathor With a cow's head. At the front of the temple, there are 6 large statues, four of which stand for Ramses II and 2 of Queen Nefertari. The statue rises to about 10 meters. At the front of the temple, there are 6 large statues, four of which stand for Ramses II and 2 of Queen Nefertari. The statue rises to about 10 meters. And the presence of all these effects in the south refutes the claim of some that the capital of the rule in his reign was in the Delta in the city of (Bar-Ramis) because all the effects of the great temples in southern Egypt where the capital is good. Nubia was threatened with sinking under the waters of Lake Nasser but was rescued with the help of UNESCO. The rescue of the Abu Simbel temple was the largest and most complex of its kind. The two large and small temples were moved to their current location, which is about sixty meters high, At a distance of one hundred and eighty meters The two large and small temples were moved to their current location, which is about sixty meters high, At a distance of one hundred and eighty meters Ramses II built many obelisks, including an obelisk still in the temple of Luxor, and another in France at the Place de la Concorde in Paris, which was transferred by a French engineer named Lepas. Ramses also made the first peace treaty in the world with Khatusili II of Hittite His death King Ramses II was buried in the Valley of the Kings in the tomb of kv7, but his mummies were taken to the mummies in Deir al-Bahari, discovered in 1881 by Gaston Maspero and transferred to the Egyptian Museum in Cairo five years later. Ramses was 170 centimeters tall, His mummies show the effects of red or tinged hair, and he is believed to have suffered from severe rheumatism in the joints in his last years, and also suffered from gum disease. Ramses was 170 centimeters tall, His mummies show the effects of red or tinged hair, and he is believed to have suffered from severe rheumatism in the joints in his last years, and also suffered from gum disease. Statue of Ramses II The statue of Ramses II was moved in the beginning of the fifties and was placed in the most famous fields of Cairo (Bab El Hadid Square), which was renamed Ramses Square. In September 2005, it was moved from its famous square in the center of Cairo to the railway station and placed in the pyramids area of Giza governorate for repairs For a year and until the completion of the construction of the new Egyptian Museum. In September 2005, it was moved from its famous square in the center of Cairo to the railway station and placed in the pyramids area of Giza governorate for repairs For a year and until the completion of the construction of the new Egyptian Museum. The claim that King Ramses is Pharaoh Moses Because of the Western scholars' reliance on their Old Testament books and the times they follow, many Orientalists and Western scholars thought that Ramses II was the same Pharaoh Moses, who lived in the presence of the Israelites in Egypt and the authors of this theory: Albright - Esport - Roxy - Unger - Father Divo RP De Vaux, and to those who see this as several opinions that attempt to prove this hypothesis, some went to say that if Ramses II had ascended the throne in 1279 BC. M, that was on May 31, 1279, BC. And based on the Egyptian history of his accession to the throne the third month of the chapter But on the theory of dependence on the Turacia, perhaps the first to be advocated by Eusebius Caesarean, who lived from 275 to 339 AD. Most Egyptian scholars questioned the hypothesis that Ramses II was Pharaoh Moses as a result of detailed historical research and because his mammal examination proved that he did not drown as opposed to what the followers of this theory tried to promote by claiming that there were traces of water in his lungs. The French physician Maurice Bockay mentioned in his book (the Bible, the Koran, and modern science) that he thinks that Merneptah the son of Ramses II is closest to being Pharaoh Moses, and his adoption in that the Bible and the Bible confirms the existence of Pharaoh, the time of the Prophet Moses, Pharaoh was known for the exodus that persecuted Moses, the sons of Israel, and God's wrath in the Gulf of Suez. However, King Merneptah himself has presented his instrument of innocence of this theory Merneptah gave us the evidence that the history of Moses' departure was hundreds of years before, by engraving on his famous painting of what is known as the song of victory, in which he boasted of his victories over all the kingdoms surrounding them, including Israel, as the Egyptians called those tribes at the time with the ancient Egyptian custom that is aimed at the tribes and not the stable peoples of the nations. As well as no trace of Ramses II was mentioned in which he mentioned anything about the Israelites or traces of the calamities which God had punished the ruler of Egypt and his people for pushing him to accept the request of the prophet Moses to liberate them and leave the land of Egypt. As we have mentioned, the first mention of the building of Israel in the ancient Egyptian antiquities was during the reign of King Merneptah Ibn Ramses II and his successor in ruling on the plaque that was discovered and known as the Israel Plate or the triumphal incantation in which Merneptah records his victories on the land of Canaan and the tribes of Israel, which categorically denies any possibility of Ramses II is Pharaoh's harness and Wan Merneptah is Pharaoh's exit. The name of the coronation The name of the birth (personal), his name as a king on both sides of the sea and the tribal, and the name associated with the god Horus (falcon) ruler on the ground, and the name of the coronation, which reflects the relationship of the King with God. In the following presentation, the characters are read from left to right, unlike the old Egyptian writer, who usually writes from right to left. The following are the names of King Ramses II and his relation to the gods Amun, Ra'at, Mu'at and Horus. 


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