The main objects in this temple are those on the central terrace. The southern baccalaureate is decorated with inscriptions representing the mission the Queen sent to the country of Punt (Somali coast) in the seventh or eighth year of her reign to bring the incense required for religious rituals and other products of that country.

On the northern boulders on the same porch, the famous scene was engraved with the Queen's birth story of the god Amun, the scene of how Queen Hatshepsut's mother was carried in a manner contrary to nature. By visiting the god "Amun" at night her mother Queen "Ahmos" in the form of her husband, "Tuthmosis I", and spent with her night, and then announced that she will give birth to a great princess called "Hatshepsut," and that it will rule the country.
In the temple there are several interior chambers with distorted inscriptions, then the three inner booths, which are intertwined in some.Its inscriptions do not distinguish from what has already been described. However, the third of them was the work of Ptolemy VIII, Jurgits II, one of the Ptolemaic kings who ordered them to rock in the rock and dedicated them to the cult of Imhotep, the god of medicine, and Imhotep ben Hapu, who was famous for the wisdom and literature of Amenhotep the Third.
The discovery of Queen Hatshepsut's mummy
Hatshepsut's mummy |
"The discovery of Queen Hatshepsut's mummy is one of the most important archaeological discoveries I've made in my life ... It was a truly exciting adventure that lasted more than a year and I did not imagine that I would find the mummy of Queen Hatshepsut to reveal one of the secrets of Pharaonic civilization" that's what dr zahi Hawass said in the introduction to his article about the discovery of Hatshepsut's mummy.
The three most important people in the life of Queen Hatshepsut
1 - the only daughter of the queen, who died at a young age, making her mother always sad
2 - Engineer Senmut, who built her temple in the monastery of the sea
3 - Queen of the Queen of Set - I - And from her begins the story of the discovery of exciting
This story began when Discovery Channel asked to make a film about Queen Hatshepsut. From here, the archeologist Zahi Hawass began his research trip by visiting tomb number 20 in the Valley of the Kings on the western bank of Luxor, the tomb of Queen Hatshepsut (Note: Her tomb was in the Valley of the Kings and not the Queens because she resembled men in her life and was buried in the tombs of kings after her death). This tomb was discovered by Howard Carter in 1903, who also discovered the tomb of Tutankhamun. Inside the cemetery, a royal coffin was found and is now kept in the Egyptian Museum, but the coffin was empty.
This was the beginning of the logical research, but did not lead to the desired mummy and so the researcher had to search for it elsewhere and already went to another cemetery was related to that Queen is a graveyard Graveyard No. 60.
It was located directly below the tomb of the Queen and was also found by Howard Carter in 1907 and found inside it two mummies. The first was placed in a wooden coffin engraved with the last two letters of the name of the woman. Carter transferred the mummy at the time to the Egyptian Museum and the second was thrown on the ground next to the first and without a coffin. The second was transferred to the Egyptian Museum at the beginning of the search for the mummy of the queen. The mummy, which was in the coffin, was stuffed with royal style, which made the researchers believe it belonged to the queen.
The researchers noticed that the mummy inside the coffin was shorter than the length of the coffin (2 cm long and the 1.05 m long mummy), which made them think that the mummy belongs to the queen and not the lactating one, but speculate that the queen inside the sarcophagus needs evidence and follow up with the latest diaphragm and DNA analysis. Confirm who is the queen.
A small wooden box was found in the mummies hidden in the monastery of the sea near the Valley of the Kings and was discovered in 1881 and engraved by the name of Queen Hatshepsut and contains inside the liver of the queen and the intestines and a small part of the tooth does not exceed 1.8 centimeters
Finally discovered the mummy of Queen Hatshepsut
By examining the mummies, it was found that the mummy that was lying on the ground of the tomb without a sarcophagus is lacking in the tooth that was found inside the box and this confirms that it is a mummy of Hatshepsut .
The causes of the death of Queen Hatshepsut
After the discovery of the royal mummy found that the causes of death malignant disease in her stomach and she was suffering from diabetes, which caused the weakness of teeth and the fall of the tooth during mummification and put it in the wooden box.