3 Clear Evidences about Homosexuality in Ancient Egypt

Is The phenomenon of homosexuality existed in ancient Egypt ?

At first , the definition of homosexuality is that a man like having sex or being in love with a man , and the same as for women .
For ancient Egyptians , there were many different opinions about homosexuality existence in ancient Egypt .
Some say they found proofs and evidences that confirm existence of homosexuality in ancient Egypt And some refuse these claiming .
They see these opinions like a fabrication distorts the face of the ancient Egyptian civilization which made by the detractors and envious opponents .
Here I will be neutral and I will show you the facts honestly , so let's begin … 

1- the tomb of the two brothers in Sakkara

These all started when the Egyptian archaeology named " Ahmed Musa " discovered a tomb in Sakkara in front of the rising road of Sakkara pyramid , then another scientist came and complete Ahmed Musa's big discovery in Sakkara .
the tomb was named by " the tomb of the two brothers " .
The drawings on the walls of the tomb made a big stir at this time .
The tomb belongs to two men who is considered to be an influentialists politicians in ancient Egypt at the age of king " Menkauhor " from the fifth Dynasty at the age of the old country .
The two brothers were :
· Khnum / khnmw hotep
· Ni ankh khnmu / khnum " means who belongs to khnum's life "

And in the tomb , in the front room which is beside the antechamber "burying room" directly , we found a drawing and view of the two brothers who are look like if they were kissing each other Like a couple of lovers .

 Homosexuality in Ancient Egypt
 the two brothers

Some scientists explained that as they were homosexual and they were lovers " gays " .
But another Egyptologists refused that and saw these paints not an enough or clear evidence , because they see that the artist who draw it , may he wanted to show how much their friendship was , and how they were like a one man with one heart .
And they sayed that the drawings didn't tell us clearly that the two men were gays .

2- Chassinat papyrus no.25351 in louvre museum …

In a text on Chassinat papyrus no.25351 in louvre museum it was mentioned a story of a man " his name isn't mentioned " who came to the big hall of complaint listening in the royal palace of king " Nefer-Ka-re " who we know him nowdays " pepi II " the fifth king of the sixth Dynasty at the age of the old country .

The reason for the man's come to the hall is that he wanted to Cast a poem of lament
Related to an accident happened with him lately .
But unfortunately the poem didn't mentioned also in the papyrus text .
The papyrus tells that the king was in a bad mood so he wasn't keen on listening to a poem , specially to a lament sad one .

So he ordered one of his soldiers to intercept him until he stoped .
 the man insisted to tell his story again and again , day after day he came to the palace , but the king was precise about stopping him every time he comes .

So the man got angry and he asked a friend of him named " Te Te " who works in the royal palace to track the king and try to get him with a secret of the king .

One day " Te Te " came to him and told him that , every night the king go out of the palace and go to a home of one of the his employees named " Sha cent " who is an old friend of him , And " He do what he wish " !!!!!

The trick is here …

He told him he do what he wish ! , so the researchers was disagreed about explaining this sentence .
Some said that the king was in love with " Sha Cet " and the two were homosexual .
the others said that it was only a metaphor expression and they said that the man can be a liar ! .

3- The conflict between Huras and Set …

Horus and cet were gods in ancient Egypt , but Huras was intended to be the king .
Set wanted to take the throne from Huras and become a king of Egypt .
So he planned to rape Huras and have a sex with him , to Embarrass him .
But Huras made a plans too , and with the help of his mother " Iisis " he put him an embarrassing situation in front of the " Gods' college " .
So the researchers depended on this accident to show that the homosexuality existed in ancient Egypt .
The other voice refused as usual and explained that this story happened lately in the late age of the ancient Egyptian religions where priests faked all that for their personal benefits .
Tags: social life


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