Ptolemies in Egypt

Ptolemy I
Ptolemy I

After the death of Alexander the Great in 323 BC. The empiricism was divided by mutual agreement between the rulers of the provinces.Ptolemy the son of Lagos, the Macedonian, ruled by virtue of Egypt. He obtained this and was able to establish the Ptolemaic family, the family that ruled Egypt between 323-30 BC.

The Ptolemaic continued to follow the ancient Egyptian traditions. They were the owners of the land and the owners of everything. The Ptolemaic king was the state .The Ptolemies were distinguished in the administration of the state, and because of this Egypt gained prosperity.

Ptolemy I took the rest of the army that left by Alexander in Egypt to build his armed forces, and was able to build a strong army and naval fleet.He also interested in religious aspects, established a new cult to bring together the Egyptians and the Greeks.So that religion does not cause problems between them .He also transferred his capital to Alexandria.

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Ptolemaic rule flourished during the reign of Ptolemy II and III in all political, economic, cultural and social aspects.
Ptolemy II built the Library of Alexandria, which made Alexandria a destination for the delegations of researchers and scholars of scientists and writers.

Library of Alexandria
Library of Alexandria

He also built an institute next to it that received the scientists. Ptolemy II took care of the economy and trade, and built the lighthouse of Alexandria to be a guide to the ships that come to Alexandria.
lighthouse of Alexandria
lighthouse of Alexandria

Egypt continued to flourish during the reign of Ptolemy III, who built the temples and restored the old ones, and made an unprecedented architectural movement. He developed the library and supplied it with books, and Alexandria became the centerpiece of the capitals of the ancient world.

Then began the weakness in the Ptolemaic family since the reign of Ptolemy IV, who was interested in his desires and pleasures, in addition to the revolutions of the Egyptians against him, and the family continued in this case until the Romans entered Egypt in 30 BC. Egypt became a Roman state.

Tags: hallensticHistory


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