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king tut tomb (KV 62)

There is no doubt that all of us heard About king tut and his tomb why is it so that special and did we know all about its secrets ? 

Tomb of Tutankhamun or Cemetery 62 according to scientific coding and is universally known as KV 62. It is the tomb of the Pharaoh Tutankhamun, located in the Valley of the Kings in Egypt, on the bank of the western Nile opposite the city of Luxor today.
This tomb has gained worldwide fame but why that what we will try to show you in this article .

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king tut tomb

At first we must know who was King Tutankhamun and why he got all this fame ?

King Tutankhamun  ruled at the end of the 18th Dynasty in a period known as the New Kingdom  from 1334 to 1325 BC. Although this king was not important for the short period of his reign which did not exceed 10 years due to his death at the age of 17 years .
But now this king is the most famous king in ancient Egypt because his tomb in the Valley of Kings in Luxor has been completely discovered without being extended by thieves for more than 3,000 years.
The tomb was discovered in 1922 by the English archaeologist Howard Marter and his friend, financier Lord Carnarvon.
Dr. Hassan Rajab opened the model of the cemetery, which is very similar to the original cemetery, where he wanted to convey the same feeling as Carter and Carnarvon when they discovered the original cemetery after six years of painstaking research.

So now the question is  how the tomb was discovered ?

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king tut mummy  and  Howard

The tomb of the Golden Pharaoh Tutankhamun was discovered on November 4, 1922, by the British archaeologist and specialist in the history of ancient Egypt, Howard Carter.
When he was excavating at the entrance to the tunnel leading to the tomb of King Ramses IV in the Valley of the Kings. 
He noticed the existence of a large cellar and continued careful exploration until he entered the room that includes the tomb of Tutankhamun.
On February 16, 1923, the British scientist Howard Carter was the first person in more than 3000 years to walk across the floor of the room containing the coffin of Tutankhamun.
Carter noted that there was a wooden box with inscriptions inlaid with gold in the center of the room. When he lifted the box. 
Howard noticed that the box was covered with a second box decorated with engravings inlaid with gold and When he lifted the second box.
He  also noticed that it was covering a third box with a gold restaurant. When the third box was lifted, the British scientist reached the stone coffin, which was covered with a thick layer of carved stone in the shape of a statue of Tutankhamun .
when he  raised  this stone cover he reached the main golden coffin that was in the form of a statue of Tutankhamun and this golden coffin covered other golden coffins in the form of statues of the young pharaoh. "i'm hearing you saying this is amazing but we didn't finish yet" 
The British scientist had to cut three golden coffins to reach the mummy of Tutankhamun.
It was difficult to lift the third golden shroud that covered the mummy of Tutankhamun from the mummy. Carter thought that exposing the shroud to the heat of the summer sun of Egypt would be enough to separate the golden shroud from the mummy.
But his attempts failed and in the end he was forced to cut the golden shroud into two halves to reach the mummy, which was wrapped in layers of silk.

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king tut mummy 

After removing the cloth shroud Howard found the mummy of Tutankhamun full of necklaces, rings, crowns and sticks, all of which were pure gold. To remove these Ornaments
 from the golden pharaoh's remains, the excavation team had to separate the skull and the main bones from its joints .
After the removal, the team reconstituted the mummy skeleton and placed it in a wooden coffin in 1926, where it was produced only three times for x-ray surveys in subsequent years.

Why is the tomb of Tutankhamun an important archaeological discovery?

First: the most complete royal treasure:

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tutankhamun tomb,tomb of tutankhamun ,the tomb of tutankhamun ,tutankhamun tomb discovery ,tomb tutankhamun ,pharaoh tutankhamun , tutankhamun ,tutankhamun wife ,tutankhamun treasure ,what was in tutankhamun tomb

At the top of the list of factors that make the treasures of Tutankhamun particularly important is that it is the only pharaonic royal treasure to be completed.
Pharaonic tombs have always been found to be flammable. The thieves always preceded the explorers to the secret gates of the tombs, which made the study of pharaonic history is so difficult.
but  for the treasures of Tutankhamun's tomb, it is quite the opposite The treasures and artifacts that make up the King's own collection are found in the tomb almost complete. The total number of pieces is about 358 pieces, which vary in size, differ in materials manufactured and are of historical importance.

Second: the historical era of treasures:

The second factor that leads to the importance of the collection of Tutankhamun is the historical period of the royal group.

King Tutankhamun ascended the throne at the time of the 18th Dynasty.

Which represents the era of the Golden Age for the modern state, where that period was marked by the openness of Egypt to other countries, and in particular the civilizations of the ancient Near East, thanks to the numerous military campaigns that went to those areas.

As well as because of the flourishing trade movement between Egypt and the East, and yet all this period was one of the most periods of Pharaonic civilization is ambiguous, because of the scarcity of holdings, documents and historical manuscripts that belong to them.

All the information that was available from that period is purely assumptions and guesses from the researchers, which were based on a collection of scattered information and scattered evidence, and then the tomb of Tutankhamun was provided to provide answers to those questions.

The study of more than 350 of the artifacts associated with that period was sufficient to identify the form and nature of life in it, and the extent of the old Egyptian personality was influenced by the openness factor, and how this reflects on it and its contribution to its development.

Third: the retention of Egypt's right to treasure:

Egypt always  was a covetous to the invaders and the emperors of states, and it was always a graveyard for them.
We now find countries like England and France boast of possession of pieces dating back to the Pharaonic era.
But the Tutankhamun's collection has been fully preserved by Egypt, making this the third factor in the importance of this collection. The treasure of Tutankhamun is currently housed in a pavilion dedicated to it within the Egyptian Museum in Cairo.
The treasure is one of the museum's most important objects. A large number of tourists visit the Egyptian Museum every year to watch the collections, especially the Tutankhamun mask, which is one of the most important pieces found in the tomb of the Pharaonic king.

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Tutankhamun mask

Fourth: To identify the life of the king:

We mentioned earlier that the age of the 18th Dynasty in general was a mystery, but the biggest mystery was that of King Tutankhamun, the pharaoh who was surrounded by a big mystery.
Which resulted in the weaving of many myths and lies around him, became facts with time until the tomb of Tutankhamun was discovered  and showed that was just Follies .
new facts appeared like his relationship with his wife Ankh Asen Amoun, which seems to be inspired by love so much love .
In addition, by studying the tomb scientists were able to identify the style of Tutankhamun, the people close to it and who formed the footnote, as well as many other secrets uncovered by the discovery of the cemetery.

Fifth: The only Pharaonic throne:

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king tut throne

The Pharaonic era extended for a very long period of time, beginning with the unification of King Mena or Narmer of the two northern and southern kingdoms, in 3200 BC.
However, it was not until the throne of King Tutankhamun that the tomb of King Tutankhamun was revealed, as if this cemetery were destined to contain all the strange discovries.

Sixth: Mummy of Tutankhamun:

One of the most important found in the Tomb of Tutankhamun is the king's own stuffed mummy, which was found in good condition and allowed to be examined. Perhaps the real importance of this mummy is not the mummy itself.But in the results reached through the study, it led the scientists to answers to many of the questions that occupied them for long periods, and the most important of those questions that were unanswered.The secret of the death of the Pharaonic king Tutankhamun, and it was until recently that he was assassinated by members of his entourage for the throne and power, but DNA analysis and other tests revealed that he died as a result of the spread and injury of malaria with it.
According to an announcement made by Egyptian archaeologist Zahi Hawass on March 8, 2005.
The belief in the assassination of King Tutankhamun was to find a hole in the back of the mummy skull that was thought to have been caused by a severe blow to the head. However, the examination of the mummy by 3D anatomical technique
It was found that this hole was made after his death in the stages of embalming.
Tutankhamun was also severely fractured by the femur. The fracture was linked to the assassination, but the three-dimensional anatomical examination proved wrong with that assumption.

Ok that's all good but now what is the secrets that hidden in the tomb of the pharaoh Tutankhamun?

At first the radar reveals secret burial chambers from 3300 years old !! so what else !! let's find out 
Archaeologists plan to resume searching for missing burial chambers inside the Pharaoh's Tomb.
The evidence came after more than a year of speculation about a hidden entrance in the cemetery.
A theory adopted by the Egyptology British scientist "Nicholas Reeves" according to The Daily Mail newspaper.
Reeves had suggested that one of these secret rooms could be the burial place of Queen Nafertiti.
Mamdouh Damati, the former Egyptian archaeologist, said that "there was a 90 percent chance that the cemetery would have hidden rooms" . The minister confirms that finding them will be "the discovery of the century".
The National Geographic Society conducted a second series of radar surveys  hoping  of finding clearer evidence of a hidden tomb . 
They examined the walls at 5 different altitudes, switching between 2 radar antennas at 400 and 900 MHz respectively to examine the depth behind the walls .
But so far no results have been achieved.

In the other side

Dr zahi hawass refused the theory "In my career, I have never encountered any discovery in Egypt because of the radar survey," Hawass said. He said it would be better to employ technology to examine existing cemeteries, which are known to contain closed rooms.
the theory suggest that The tomb of Tutankhamun was in fact Nefertiti's tomb, and when the king died unexpectedly at an early age, he was buried in her outer burial chamber in the Valley of the Kings in Luxor in southern Egypt.

At the end even if the theory true or not  the tomb of king tut still The most important  archaeological discoveries in Egypt during the twentieth century.

Tags: BiographydiscoverieskingsMagic and MysteriesTutankhamun


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