gods of egypt

Over  thousands of years, the Pharaonic civilization has been closely associated with religion. Historians have considered it one of the most important foundations of Egyptian civilization for more than 5,000 years and one of the pillars of the establishment and unification of the Egyptian state.
The worship of the various Egyptian gods continued for more than three thousand years. That is, the symbols of the Egyptian gods were worshiped in a time frame that exceeds the age of the Egyptians condemning Christianity and Islam together!
2800 God was almost worshiped in Egypt, as symbols of all the forces of nature .. The most important of them are:


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God Ra holds in his hand the key to eternal life "Ankh"

He is the god of the sun and the creator of the universe, one of the most famous gods in the ancient Egyptian religion. He is also the head of the Holy Savior, which includes gods concerned with the process of the beginning of creation.

The ancient Egyptians believe that the sunset means the beginning of the daily journey of Ra, in which he travels with his holy vehicle to the underworld every evening, to fight the evil forces represented in a great snake called Apophis, and then triumphantly triumphant in the high heaven every morning a new day, The ancient Egyptian sign of human emulation, also evidence of the victory of the god of Ra on the forces of chaos and evil.

Ra was merged with several gods, including the god Amun, under the name "Amun-Ra", and Amun Ra is the hidden face of the shepherd, and also merged with the god Horus, becoming Ra-Horakhti when the unification of the North and the South.

Where the cult of Ra was spread in the north, and the worship of Horus spread in the south, the priests united the gods to become one God under the name of "Re - Hor - achti", which is the image of a man with a hawk head symbol (God Horus) His head is the disk of the sun symbol (God Ra).


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    The god Imin (Amun) sits on the throne

Amun is the sun god and fertility, the hidden face of the shepherd, and is always portrayed in the form of a man wearing a crown out of which Rashtan, and the name of Amon means the subcontractor or the unseen or the hidden, So he had a great popularity, especially among the poor who had nothing but the worship and submission of God, at a time when the worship of the gods spread through offerings and materialism.

Amon was different from all the other gods. His absence from the image and his being hidden is only spiritual. His worship is close to being a monotheistic worship. He became the only God and all the other gods, a picture of him and a reflection of him.

After his integration and unification with Ra, he appeared in the image of the god Emin-Ra, becoming visible and invisible at the same time, visible in the image of Ra who is manifested in his worshipers in the body of the sun, hidden and mysterious and separated from the world as Amun, and the correct pronunciation of the name of God is not known as Amon , But "Emin" with the tilt of the fracture to the opening, the hieroglyphics use only consonants.



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He is the god of war and justice, the son of Isis and Osiris. Horus is portrayed in the form of a hawk, his father's protector, for his revenge on his uncle, the six, the god of evil, and after the victory of Horus in his famous battle with his uncle, he became a god of life and a symbol of justice. In the realization of justice as Horus did, and the title of Horus with many titles, such as Horus Hakim, the Savior, and that in the highest.

Horus was appointed to his father in an attempt to restore his life. From that moment on, Horus was considered an important religious symbol for the ancient Egyptians. They called it "the eye that sees everything" and the people took it as an amulet to protect themselves from evils. For help and protection from Horus.


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      Osiris is the god of Judgment in the underworld

Osiris was a god of life and fertility in the world, before his brother, the god of Satan, killed him, to become the God of the dead and the account in the underworld. Osiris is in the image of a man with the white crown of Upper Egypt on his head. He has a false beard and holds a scepter in his hands. His arms are crossed.

He is the eldest son of the god of the earth, the god of heaven, and he is one of the founders of Heliopolis or the Holy Ninth, the title of the king of the living, the Lord of love who remains pleasant and young forever, and master of silence.


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Isis Goddess of Motherhood and Magic

She is the goddess of motherhood and magic, the sister of god Osiris and his loving wife, who has become an example of love and loyalty. Isis is always in the image of a woman with the throne on her head and in her hand the key to life.

The mother of God Horus, who was born by magic after she restored life to her husband Osiris, who was plotted by his brother "six" the god of evil and said, and gave Horus to take revenge for his father was.

Isis is famous for its famous collection, of its titles also: the throne, the Lord of Secrets, and the goddess of all beginnings.


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            The god Athen, whom King Akhenaten called to worship

After the cult of Amun reached its peak, the sanctification of the sun spread and they called it Athen, the god announced by King Akhenaten in his call for a new monotheistic religion. Aton is in the form of the sun disk with its clear visible ending with human hands holding the key to life.

  After the death of Akhenaton, Aton returned to the Egyptian gods, and his monotheistic call was completely vanish. From the titles of Athen: the heat emanating from the disk of the sun, the Lord of the two horizons, which glints in his horizon in his name, and finally the father of Ra.



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     Hathor Goddess of beauty, love and music

She is the daughter of Ra and the goddess of music, love and beauty. She is portrayed in many forms. Sometimes she is portrayed as a cow, sometimes as a woman with a sun on her head between cow's horns and sometimes as a woman with a cow's head and a cow here as a symbol of peace and love.

The name Hathor means the sanctuary of Horus. It is the mother of Horus who took care of him after the death of his mother Isis to search for the remains of Osiris, so it is also a symbol of motherhood. Women often take role models and role models in giving and love. ; Queen of Dance and Mistress of Joy.


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               The goddess of heaven covers the world with her body

She is the goddess of heaven and the mother of Ra, one of the oldest and most important gods of the ancient Egyptian religion. She is one of the nine gods of the beginning of creation. Notot is the sister of God, the god of the earth. Their father is God, the god of the air. Their mother is the goddess Tafnut, goddess of humidity and rain.

The goddess of the dead, who were considered the goddess of the dead, was also depicted in the coffins of the dead, To protect the dead and accompany him on his journey to the other world.



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The god of the earth appears lying down, separated from his wife by the voice of their father, the god "Shaw" the god of the air

He is the god of the earth. He is in the form of a green man. Sometimes he is depicted in the form of a man with a goose on his head, and there is always a mountain lying on the ground.

There is a belief in the ancient Egyptian religion that if it were not for the marriage of Jabb from Notte, there would be no life, and that by their marriage they bore all the gods who were worshiped and also gave birth to the sun. Where Nute dwells on the sky, while the earth remains on the earth, people pour water and plant.

He must be responsible for everything that happens on the ground, from planting germination to earthquakes and floods. The ancient Egyptians had a childish belief that it was Jib's laughter that caused earthquakes, and that his kindness and mercy made the land germinate


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She is the daughter of Ra's fierce fighter and the Earth Lady, as the ancient Egyptians called the goddess of war and destruction sent by Ra to punish the rebels and excommunicate him. Sekhmet is embodied in the form of a woman with a lion's head, topped by the sun surrounded by a cobra and holding the key to life. And the name of the mean means strong.

It is a source of strength for the ancient Egyptians. They have always used it in times of war, and because its power and its incalculable power were after every war, they pray and perform rituals and rituals, asking them to stop the war, the fighting and the death.

The daughter of Ra, the goddess of fire, the goddess of slaughter, the woman of war, and finally the great lady, beloved of Ptah, all these titles attest to their strength.



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"Anubis" in "Qais" the capital of the seventeenth province of Upper Egypt, which was known as (Inbo), and known by the Greeks as "Kinopolis", ie: (city dog). The city lies southwest of Bani Mazar in Minya Governorate, on the eastern bank of the Sea of Joseph.

He also worked in several other areas, such as Abidus, Hiba (Upper 18th Region of Upper Egypt), Deir El-Gabrawy in Upper Egypt's Twelfth Region, Deir El Bahary, and Nuba, He was known in the temple of "Abu Simbel" title (Mr. Nubia). He also had a temple in Assiut.


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Nephthys is one of the ancient Egyptian gods. She is a member of Tesoula Heliopolis, the sister of Isis Osiris, six, and daughter of both the goddess of heaven and the god of the earth. According to legend, she was the mother of Anubis, the lord of embalming, from her brother Osiris. In another novel, Anubis-Sopdo, Ra. Is famous for her important role in the Osirian myth.

Like Isis, it represents death, darkness, and darkness. It is also one of the protector goddesses (Isis, Nephthys, Stoke, Nate) of Canopic vessels that contain the deceased's bowels. They appear in the form of a full female whose head is above the mark.
The tasks of Neftis are not entirely clear, and little is known about the status of her religion or temple; although there are known names of the priests of the temples of Naphtis. Naphthis was usually worshiped with another Lord; such as "six" in the modern state era, and Antious in the late era. In addition to the lack of information about the religion of Neftis, her name, which means "lady of the house" does not give much about its tasks. Neftis usually appears in the company of her sister Isis; Perhaps because of the Egyptian need for duplications, such as with other wives, such as Tafnot and other ribs in the compound of Rabbis of Hermopolis. Neftis often appears with Isis as two candelabra next to the deceased; sometimes in a human form, or as a tyrant. The two women were also very much depicted in the heart-weight scene in the Book of the Dead; they also protected one of Horus's four sons, Habibi, who was in charge of preserving the deceased's lungs. In the late era, Nephthis was associated with the worship of "timeliness" (Anqat) and was worshiped with her in southern Egypt.



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ptah in Egyptian mythology (or Petah, in the Latin alphabet : Ptah) was the apotheosis of the sacred hill in the story of the beginning of creation Alaneyadih, which was literally know by name: "Ta - Tannen" (meaning: the land filed) or Tann (land submerged). The importance ptah in history can be understood from the fact that the Western name of Egypt Egypt is derived from the Greek spelling of the word "h - Ot - Kaa - ptah" which is written sometimes: erosion - ka -ptah, meaning "Temple - Ka -ptah any temple spirit پtah a temple in Menf . Petah Named in hieroglyphic ptah Balheiroglevip p t H Modification See document template Story Petah Justice According to a stone grate of the پtah it called the world into existence, after he saw the creation in his heart during his sleep, Vtkelmha was, so it means conqueror His name (as an Fah). So the ritual of opening the mouth, which was performed by the priests at funerals to launch a soul from the body, the first was initiated by ptah. Atom created ptah to govern the creation while he is sitting on the Holy Knoll. Filming Petah Justice Petah holding hands scepter SPA and the sign of Ankh life, and grandfather column survival and permanence code. In art, it seems ptah as a man enshrouded bearded, often wearing a skullcap, and his hands Kabdtan on Tutankhamun , and As, and edged a life, power and poise in order symbols. As well as the body is believed to ptah himself in the calf Apis . The worship of Petah Justice In Memphis , ptah was worshiped and was seen as the father of Atum , or as precisely as a parent Nefertum , the son of Atum. When merged beliefs Alaneyadih and Oukdwad later, Pathom became Ra (Atum - Ra), which was seen as Horus (Ra - Hrakhca), which led to say that ptah married Sekhmet , which was considered at the time hypostasis Hathor , mother of Horus , thus or Atom. As ptah is sacred knoll, and began his presence, he was considered the god of artisans, especially stone crafts. As a result of the link stone tombs and crafts link the royal tombs of Thebes , the craftsmen considered that governs their destinies. Thus Vkraid (first) craftsmen and are the first creation, the ptah became the god of the Baath. Since sugar was also the god of artisans and the Baath , and later united the ancient Egyptians between Petah and Sucre to become (ptah - Soccer). Petah - Soccer Justice (ptah - Soccer) gradually became the diagnosis of the sun during the night, as the sun looks as if they were sending every night, and was ptah Holy Knoll, located underground. Thus, ptah - sugar has become a god to the underworld , and thus in the time of the Middle Kingdom , merged with Osiris , the god of the underworld, on behalf of the known they (ptah - Sugar -OSIRIS).


Along with these gods - which may be considered the most important gods - or the Supreme Gods - there are hundreds of them constructed temples and giant murals, as evidence that Egypt has not been in the long history of the concept of religion never, and that the Nile was considered one of the most important civilizations around the world Its creativity was linked to the principles of religion, and the symbolic power of the ruler as God's shadow on earth.

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