curse of the pharaohs

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 Curse of the Pharaohs

This is the least described by the legend of the curse of the pharaohs, which established in the minds of lovers of Egyptian civilization and researchers and those awaiting the resurrection of the secrets associated with the priests and ancient pharaohs of the other world .. It is not strange that people were afraid of entering the pyramids Or approaching the Abulhul .. fear of the mystery surrounding the death and death, which is rumored that led to the death of a large number of those who dared to open the tombs of the Pharaohs
The myth of the Pharaohs 'curse began at the opening of the tomb of Tutankhamun in 1922, and the first to draw attention to them was the inscription "Death will kill anyone who tries to destroy the safety and peace of the Pharaohs' shrine." This is the phrase found on the tomb of Tutankhamun, Many of the workers who searched the cemetery began to die. This is what puzzled the scholars and the people. A lot of people believed in the so-called "Curse of the Pharaohs," including some archaeologists who participated in the discovery of the civilizations of the pharaohs, said that the ancient priests of Egypt had poured their curse on anyone trying to transfer These effects are in place .. where it is said that Storm R. A strong mullahs arose around the tomb of Tutankhamun on the day it was opened and a falcon was seen flying over the tomb. It is known that the falcon is one of the holy symbols of the pharaohs.

But there is a German scientist opened the file of this phenomenon, which preoccupied many to explain to us the mind, medicine and chemistry, how forty scientists and scholars died before it was too late and why that young king .. Tutankhamun ..
Although this king does not have any historical value and may have been a ruler did not do much .. Perhaps in the era of a counter revolution against King Akhenaten first club uniform .. But certainly this young king has derived great importance that his tomb was untouched by anyone The thieves came to us after fifty-five centuries of complete safety and that this king is also the source of the Pharaonic curse. All those who touched him or touched him chased them death one after the other, recording the most strange and strange thing that man knew of the punishment. The obvious thing is that these forty died. But the mysterious thing is that death is for very trivial reasons and in incomprehensible circumstances.
Tutankhamun, the owner of the cemetery, the ark and curses ruled Egypt nine years from 1358 to 1349 BC. On November 6, 1922, Carter went to the Lord to say that he had finally discovered something wonderful in the Valley of the Kings. He had covered the lid on the doors and the basement until you came to see yourself. The Lord came to Luxor on November 23 and was accompanied by his daughter .. Carter advanced and smashed the seals and doors .. one after the other, even a short distance from the burial chamber of King Tutankhamun.

The story of the curse began with the golden canary bird that Carter carried with him when he was in Luxor. When the cemetery was discovered, they first called it the "Golden Bird Tomb." In his book, the king's theft of Mohsen Mohammed said that when Carter traveled to Cairo to receive Lord Carnard On the day of the opening of the cemetery, Kalender heard a weak distress, like a cry of a signal, and he hurried to find a snake, a Cobra, extending its tongue to the bird inside the cage. Killer the snake died but the bird was dead. Immediately, it was said that the curse It started with the opening of the cemetery where the Cobra snake There is a crown placed on top of the statues of the kings of Egypt .. This was the beginning of the king's revenge of those who disturbed him in his shrine ..

On the other hand, archaeologist Henry believes that something terrible is going to happen. But what happened next was a strange thing that over time turned into a supernatural phenomenon and one of the most mysterious and controversial things that science has not found an explanation for today In the official celebration of the opening of the cemetery was injured Lord Carnarvon .. mysterious body did not find one of the doctors explanation .. At midnight completely died the Lord in Cairo .. The strangest thing is that the electricity was cut in Cairo without any obvious reason in the same The moment of death has been highlighted by the newspapers of the world news of the death of the Lord Some newspapers said that the Lord's finger had been hit by a poisoned machine or bayonet inside the graveyard and that the poison was strong by evidence that it had retained its effect for three thousand years. A species of bacteria grew inside the cemetery carrying disease and death, , And in Paris said the astronomer Lancelan .. Tutankhamun retaliated.

After that, the calamities began and death began to reap the great majority, if not everyone who participated in the celebration, and most of the deaths were due to this mysterious diet with delirium and rogue leading to death .. It was even more frequent fever. Howard Carter without any reason and then committed suicide his father was saddened him .. During the funeral of Secretary Das horse who was dragging the coffin of the coffin a small child killed .. Many of those who contributed in one way or another in the discovery of the cemetery madness and some committed suicide for no reason, which puzzled Archaeologists who found themselves in front of the mystery does not exist It is worth mentioning that many archaeologists have stated that the curse of the pharaohs is a myth and the deaths that occurred can not be more than coincidence. The evidence for this is "Howard Carter" himself, the owner of the tomb of the pharaoh "Tutankhamun", which did not happen to him But many of them do not dare to discover other Pharaonic tombs. Not even the visit to the Pharaonic antiquities. Most of the wealthy people who bought expensive antiquities and pharaonic statues also disposed of them for fear of that alleged curse.

Scientific explanation of the legend:

Some scholars interpreted the "curse of the pharaohs" as occurring as a result of the exposure of people who open pharaonic tombs to an intense dose of radon, a radioactive gas. Here we must stop at several questions the reader is interested in what is radon? Where does radon come from? How those emitted radioactive gases? What are the dangers that result from leakage?

Radon is a radioactive gas element found in nature. It is a colorless, highly toxic gas, and if condensed, it turns into a transparent liquid, then into a dark, opaque solid material. Radon is one of the products of the decomposition of the element of radioactive uranium that is also naturally present in the earth. Therefore, scientists like the parent, while releasing the products of their dissolution, including radium and radon, there are three radioactive isotopes of uranium in the soil and rocks, all of which correspond to the atomic number, Although radon gas is chemically inert and not charged with an electric charge, it is radioactive; it automatically decomposes the production of dust particles from other radioactive elements, and these elements are charged with charge And when it breathes, it attaches to the wall of the lungs, which in turn decomposes into other elements. During this decomposition, a type of radiation called the alpha rays that cause the ionization of living cells is created, which results in the destruction of the cells. Destroying the DNA of these cells will be the first step leading to lung cancer.

Fortunately, such alpha rays are relatively heavy particles, so they can cross short distances in the human body, meaning that they can not reach the cells of other organs to destroy them. Thus, lung cancer is the most important and known danger Which is associated with radon, and the seriousness of radon depends on the amount and proportion of its concentration in the air surrounding the human, and also on the time period of human exposure to such radiation, and since this gas from the products of the decomposition of uranium; so it is found in the soil and rocks, Phosphate, and be ratios Very high concentration in indoor rock or stony places, such as the cellars of houses, mines and the like, such as the tombs of the pharaohs built in the middle of the stones and rocks, and this is already found when measuring the concentration of this gas in these places.

Thus, a person's long period of time leads to the inhalation of a large amount of this gas, which damages the lungs, and causes death after that. Did the flag of these pharaohs make them know this and build their graves in this way in these places? Or was it that they built the tombs in such a way? Or it is magic as explained by some others? Finally, is the curse of the Pharaohs or the curse of radon?


Curse of the Pharaohs Howard Catter, who discovered the tomb of King Tutankhamun, where he continued his search for five full years to discover the place of the tomb of this king, but what happened to him and those who helped him in the discovery of this grave Is it the curse of the Pharaohs ???

Howard's dream may have been achieved by discovering the king's tomb 3,000 years after his death in Luxor in 1922
With the support of Lord Carnavon
The beginning of change
The rumors began about the curse of Pharaohs after the transfer of all the contents of the tomb to the Museum of Cairo
Where most people, including some archaeologists who participated in the discovery of the civilizations of the Pharaohs, believed that the ancient priests of Egypt had cast their curse on anyone who tried to remove these monuments from their place
Where it was said that a strong sandstorm raged around the tomb of Tutankhamun on the day he opened it
Saqr Yafar was seen above the area at the same time as the opening of the tomb. It is known that the falcon is one of the sacred symbols of the pharaohs
Five days after the opening of the tomb to a capacity offset by Lord Carnavon
As a result of his work at the tomb, the sting and Matt Carnavon died at the Cairo Hotel
All of Cairo's electricity was mysteriously cut off at the moment of his death
In the course of ten years, about twenty people died who participated in the process of opening the grave, and most of them died for reasons other than natural madness or suicide
In 1966 he asked the Egyptian Archaeologist to send treasures extracted from the tomb to
Paris for the show and dreamed that something terrible would happen if left the relics go
And tried to stop this process without interest After the last session was rejected in which the inspector went to his home and while he was on one of the streets hit by one of the cars died in the hospital
Despite these incidents that the main official of the opening of the tomb, Howard did not happen anything to him where he lived until he reached the age of 66 years
Also, one of the Egyptians slept in the grave on the night of his discovery to remove any intruder and did not hurt anything
Is there anything called the curse of Pharaohs ??????
Or is it just the fantasies of some scientists

The Pharaohs believed that there was another world after their death where every king or administrator had the ability to afford the embalming

The process of embalming and with it the greatest amount of food and clothing and even the shroud was each proud of its manufacture
They believed that the body was the best acceptable condition in the other world
The mummification process is done by washing the body first and then opening
A small opening in the abdomen to extract the internal organs until the brain is extracted by a tool inserted from the nose
Then the skull is dictated with fluid and the only member who remains in the body is the heart
Next comes the drying stage where the body is placed with sodium
For seventy days to withdraw moisture from the corpse and prevent
They decomposed it and finally they made the body more expensive
The perfume types are then wrapped in bandages of linen
The heart was left to the embalming god and the guardian of the underworld
When the Pharaohs Anubis and his head was a jackal's book, the heart must be light without any sin
The person who carries out this operation is the guard Anubis, provided that he is given the so-called truth feather ????
Then comes the role of osris, who gives the ear to enter the other world and the Pharaohs consider him God
More importantly because it will give them eternal immortality ...

Tags: Magic and Mysteries


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