king narmer unified the two countries

Egypt under the reign of King Mena 

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The struggle of the Egyptians in order to achieve political unity and the impact of the Union of Egypt in the establishment of civilization and wear the double crown.
The community went through several steps that had the greatest impact on civilization in the land of Egypt. These steps are the emergence of villages and cities, the emergence of autonomous regions, and the first unit in 4242 BC. And finally the national unity in 3200 BC. M.

The first step: the emergence of villages and cities
After the Egyptians went to the Nile Valley and worked in agriculture, each group settled in a village that cooperated together in the cultivation of the lands, and the villages were the beginning of human civilization that led to the emergence of cities.
And people took to organize their lives in these villages and cities and appeared different idolatry around which the people of each city or village, and these gods were among the natural forces, such as the sun or the Nile or animals like a cow or a bird. Also built temples, emerging markets, and active industries. 
Step 2: The emergence of autonomous regions
Over time, villages and cities joined together to form large provinces or provinces. Each province had its own governor and worshiper, named as its idol, such as the Falcon province, the territory of the serpent. The number of these territories was twenty-two in Upper Egypt and twenty in the Upper Egypt.
Step 3: Achieving the first political unity in 4242 BC 
The ancient Egyptians thought again ... Would they be silent about the division of their country into independent territories? The Egyptians did not like this and turned towards a stronger and larger union. The first political unity was achieved in Egypt in 4242 BC when the people of the seaside succeeded in penetrating the southern regions until they subjugated all of them. Then they established the first central government to unite the entire country. They made its capital, Heliopolis, And worship the sun people.
Thus, it will be the first political historical union for all of Egypt.
In the late days of the government of Heliopolis, the country was stricken with schism, with its provinces divided between two governments, one in the south and the other in the north. 

A - Kingdom of the North

King Mina,Mena united the two countries ,Kings of Ancient Egypt ,Founder of Ancient Egypt ,Mena united the two countries ,narmer  pharaoh narmer  ,narmer palette  ,palette of narmer  ,king narmer biography ,king narmer living descendants ,king narmer ancient egypt ,king narmer first dynasty ,king narmer history ,is king narmer king menes ,king narmer old kingdom ,
Kingdom of the North

King Menes united the two countries ,Kings of Ancient Egypt, Founder of Ancient Egypt, Menes united the two countries.

Kingdom of the North

The owners of the north set up their king in the delta and made their capital the city of Bhutto and its place of Tal El Farainin north of the current city of Desouq, and its gods were in the shape of the Cobra snake, and its people took the papyrus as their motto.

B - Kingdom of the South

King Mina,Mena united the two countries ,Kings of Ancient Egypt ,Founder of Ancient Egypt ,Mena united the two countries ,narmer  pharaoh narmer  ,narmer palette  ,palette of narmer  ,king narmer biography ,king narmer living descendants ,king narmer ancient egypt ,king narmer first dynasty ,king narmer history ,is king narmer king menes ,king narmer old kingdom ,
Kingdom of the South
King Menes, Menes united the two countries, Kings of Ancient Egypt, Founder of Ancient Egypt, Menes united the two countries.
Kingdom of the South 
The owners of the south established their property in the Upper Egypt, and made their capital the city of "elk" (near the city of Edfu in Aswan governorate). The goddess was a female eagle, and her family took the lotus as their motto.
Step 4: Achieving Political Unity by King Menes (Narmer)
From the city of "Thebes" (the current city of Luxor in Qena), came out the great man "Menes" who was able to unite the two sides of the sea with the tribal about 3200 BC. M, and thus the efforts of his predecessors, and the fact that Egypt has a strong central government, Several titles, such as: King of the Earths, the owner of the two crowns, the eagle of the south, the northern snake. All this glorifies what this great hero has done.
Crown of the two crowns

King Mina,Mena united the two countries ,Kings of Ancient Egypt ,Founder of Ancient Egypt ,Mena united the two countries ,narmer  pharaoh narmer  ,narmer palette  ,palette of narmer  ,king narmer biography ,king narmer living descendants ,king narmer ancient egypt ,king narmer first dynasty ,king narmer history ,is king narmer king menes ,king narmer old kingdom ,

             Crown of the two crowns

King Mina became the founder of the first ruling family in the history of Pharaonic Egypt, but in the history of the whole world, wearing the double crown.

King Mina wore the double crown.
King Mina,Mena united the two countries ,Kings of Ancient Egypt ,Founder of Ancient Egypt ,Mena united the two countries ,narmer  pharaoh narmer  ,narmer palette  ,palette of narmer  ,king narmer biography ,king narmer living descendants ,king narmer ancient egypt ,king narmer first dynasty ,king narmer history ,is king narmer king menes ,king narmer old kingdom ,

King Mina wore the double crown.Narmer's painting

Narmer's painting

The story of the struggle and the victory of King Mina is filled with a painting known as the Narmer painting. Historians believe that Narmer is Mina. This painting was found in the city of the Cape and is now preserved in the Cairo Museum.

The first face depicts King Mina holding a prisoner from the north with the white crown on his head. The other face depicts King Mina celebrating his victory over the Kingdom of the North, wearing the red crown.
The capital of the United Kingdom
King Mina realized the necessity of building a medium-sized city where he could supervise the tribal and the sea. He established a new city on the western shore of the Nile, where the present village of Mitt Rahina was located. The first was a war fortress surrounded by a white wall. Mina called it "Nefir" (the beautiful port) and later was named "Memphis" in Greek times. The Arabs called it Memphis. The city of Memphis became the capital of all of Egypt under the old state ... until the end of the Sixth Dynasty.
Factors that helped to establish the Pharaonic civilization
The factors that helped the Pharaonic civilization are divided into natural factors (the Great Nile, the excellent location, the right climate, the abundance of rocks and minerals) and human factors (positive action and constant struggle).
Natural factors
The Nile and its great virtue: The Nile helped the transformation of Egypt into a green paradise, and the Nile taught the Egyptians the building of ships, and helped to link them, and exchange crops and trade activity. Nile flag Egyptians planting and arithmetic, system, and the construction of canals, construction of bridges and construction of dams. The ancient Egyptians found the teacher, the source of the first life, and they magnified and sanctified him. They worshiped him in the form of a god called "habi" and we still celebrate his "fulfillment of the Nile" every year.
The ancient Egyptians left us with many historical texts that show the importance of the Nile River in their lives. On the impact of the Nile River in the life of ancient Egypt, one of these texts says: "Peace be upon you, Nile ... who will revive the land of Egypt and its creatures and plants ... Peace be upon you, O Lord of goodness ... If you slow down the hearts, And if the souls were quickened and the flowers opened ... ". And the status of the Nile River in the hearts of Egyptians, another text says: "Merry O" Habi "... You, who appeared on the ground to give life to Egypt, you who come to mock them to give life to all thirsty ... Peace be upon you, O Lord of good things ..." .
Excellent geographical location: Egypt has an excellent geographic location. It is the junction of two large continents, Africa and Asia. It overlooks two important rivers, the Red Sea, the Mediterranean Sea and Egypt, as the heart of the ancient world and the link between its citizens and its peoples. Egypt also enjoys natural protection. In the north is the Mediterranean Sea, and in the east, west and south, the vast desert areas, which were protective shields, helped the Egyptians to defend their country and resist the aggressors and the greedy in their goods.
The appropriate climate: God gave our dear Egypt a moderate climate, a bright sun, a clear sky and a strong air. This helped human activity and awakening his mind. The drought in Egypt helped protect its ancient monuments.
The abundance of natural resources (rocks and minerals): In the land of our dear Egypt there is gold, copper, iron, silver and other types of minerals, as varied rocks from granite, marble and precious stones, and of these rocks and minerals made the ancient Egyptians all their industries, and built their pyramids, and sculpted their statues, For the ancient Egyptians, rocks and minerals were the most expensive.
(B) Human factors
Positive work and continuous struggle: The ancient Egyptians used all these factors, benefited from them, thought and innovated, and made a lot of effort, and they worked together until they turned their valley into the paradise that we inhabit and enjoy its benefits today.
Egypt is not the "gift of the Nile," as the Greek historian Herodotus said for thousands of years. It is also the result of Egyptians' effort, diligence, intelligence, innovation, unity and sacrifice. So "Egypt is the gift of the Nile and the Egyptians", and if not for the struggle of the Egyptians, this great civilization did not emerge.

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