Akhenaten,amarna and worship of Aton

Today we are going to talk about  pharaoh Akhenaten 
The first worshiper of one God on earth 
The living spirit of Aton
what did we don't know about him who he really was 
what is the new discoveries about him !!
his family his relations all about that we will find out here in this article  

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Drawing of Akhnaton Cairo Cast

Akhenaten (Ikhnaton) or Amenhotep IV is a pharaoh of the eighteenth Dynasty . His father Amenhotep the Third (14171379 BC), and his mother Tey, who came from a popular environment, unlike what was known about the wives of the pharaohs who came from distinct strains. His mother-in-law is Tee, her husband the vehicle leader Aye, and his aunt, the sister of the Queen Mother, Moutnejmet.

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Akhenaten in his distinctive Amarna

He was sentenced to 17 years by his wife Nefertiti since 1369 BC. The word Akhnaton means its beautiful with the sun disk. He attempted to unify the ancient gods of Egypt, including the god Ammon, the form of the One God. The capital was moved from Taibah to his new capital, the sister of Atoun in Minya.Where the real art appeared, especially in sculpture and painting and the emergence of a new literature characterized by the songs of the new god Aton. Or what is also known as the Amarna system. King Akhenaten was preoccupied with his religious reforms and departed from foreign policy and the administration of the empire stretching up to the Upper Euphrates and Nubia to the south.
When his brother Tutankhamun died, he abandoned the faith of Aton and left the capital to Tiba and declared the return of the Ammon doctrine, declaring that he was Tutankhamun. And the good priests destroyed the effects of Akhenaton and his city, and removed his name from it.

The beginning of his rule was mixed up with the end of his father's rule, which Egypt attained during its heyday at the height of its glory in its ancient history. Its influence extended from the island of Fratia, Anatolia, Crete and the Aegean basin to Nubia.

The young king received his royal name, which he carried after his coronation. But six years after he ascended the throne, Akhenaton called himself the name he was famous for.

His early years as Amenhotep IV

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        An inscription representing Amenhotep IV

The first years of the reign of Amenhotep IV, Akhenaten, passed as an associate of power with his father in the capital Taiba. But he was determined to achieve a radical religious reform. He left the city with the consent of his father the king, and founded a distance of about three hundred and seventy-five kilometers north of Tiba, away from the land of Amun, .

Akhenaten was then moved to this new city to live with his wife, his neighbors and his entourage of senior officials and his six daughters who were born Nefertiti. It seems that the royal family lived a happy life in Achit Athen until the family split in the late years of his rule.

There is a change in the style of the Egyptian king highlighted by the study of diplomatic messages in the archive of Tel Amarna, revealing the method of communication and correspondence between the kings and princes of Canaan and Amoru (Palestine and Syria) on the one hand and the Egyptian pharaoh on the other.

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Bronze plate with the titular of Amenhotep IV before
 changing his name to Akhenaton, British Museum.
The study of the entire Amarna era indicates the deterioration of the Pharaonic influence in the subordinate areas after the laxness of the imposition of the prestige of the king, which was much lower than in the era of Thutmose III. The taxes on the country no longer reach Pharaoh's coffin. The Pharaonic palace did not act as necessary to confront the international situation caused by Egypt's decline in the advance of the Hittite influence. It seems that a large conspiracy from inside: the priests of Amun in Thebes and the army commander Hormehib on the one hand, and the princes of Canaan and Amoru on the other, were arranged to overthrow the rule of the monarch who was devoted to religious reform, without being surrounded by what was happening around him.

It was a time when the king held a strong hand in the hands of the good and the palace. He was able to order the construction of huge temples of Aton in Tiba next to the temples of Amun. But after the twelfth year of his rule, weakness took hold in the structure of power. The split took place in the royal family itself. Queen Nefertiti left the royal palace in the center of the city of Achit Athen with the nanny Tee and her husband, the priest Ie and four of her daughters and the little prince Tut Gnakh Aten and took a seat in the north of the city,

While the king settled in another palace south of the capital. And documented his relationship with his younger brother «Semenkh Kara» to make him and his son-in-law and a partner in the management of the king, and so entered the era of Amarna a new stage. At this stage the psychological state of the king worsened and his behavior became more turbulent. It became almost random and broadened the front of those who opposed his religious movement when he ordered the destruction of the Amun statues and the removal of his name from the inscriptions, and abolished his titles and all the so-called qualities that he believed to protect his royal throne. The change in religious life in ancient Egypt extended to include the image of the falcon symbolizing the goddess Nakhbet, and the name of the city of Amun (Taibah), which was written with hieroglyphics. The king issued orders to remove these depressing images up to the borders of Nubia and to replace the cult of Aton throughout the country .

This religious policy, led by the king, was strongly opposed by the priests of the temples who were most affected by the unification of worship, as well as the nobles whose reforms were threatened by the reforms, officers and military commanders whose influence in the state diminished in the absence of the king's attention to the army and his reluctance to pursue the policy of his expansionist predecessors And the deterioration of its prestige, both internal and external,
The powerful Anatolia states have penetrated Syria. The Amarna documents, particularly the diplomatic messages, referred to the reality of the situation in Palestine and Syria in the face of the expansionist expansion. Akhenaton's departure from commanding his armies or moving them in an effective way to preserve Egypt's sites in Western Asia, and only to work on spreading his new doctrine of dire consequences that cost the country a heavy price, in addition to the collapse of trade relations of insecurity and stability, and ended the King's days in the midst of a tragic crisis, At first, his successor, Samnakh Karee, worked to reconnect with Memphis and Taiba, and restored Egypt to religious pluralism.

Akhenaten was buried in his capital, Achit Aten. Archaeologists have known his grave, but found only the wreckage of his royal nawasa, which was restored and transferred to the Cairo Museum. As for his mums, who have not been found, no one knows what happened to them. It may have been hit by the destruction of Akit Aten (Tel el Amarna) by the commander Horemheb who was at the forefront of working to end the era of Amarna and to overthrow the rule of Akhenaton. A mummy was found in the Valley of the Kings, thought to be his mummy, but there is no conclusive evidence. After he was appointed as a priest, who briefly ruled the throne, Tutankhamen, who had to change his name to Tutankhamun, went back to restoring his respect for Amon and the powerful priests. This early attempt to overthrow the traditional religious conscience in ancient Egypt and to replace the unity of God replaced pluralism.

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Talatat blocks from Akhenaten's Aten temple in Karnak
Change his name to Akhenaten

In 1380 BC, Amenhotep III, who succeeded Tuthmosis the Third on Egypt's throne, died after a life full of greatness and earthly melancholy, and was succeeded by his fourth son Amenhotep IV, who wanted fate to be known as Akhenaten. And we have a bust of this king is clear knowledge, found in the hill of Amarna, and from him we judge that he was a person so skinny body is almost unbelievable, a female face in his paper, poetic in his senses. His eyelids were as big as the imaginative dreamers' eyelids, a long, shaggy skull, and a slender body. And the angel of saying that he was a poet who wanted fate to make him a king.

The King did not even take up the rebellion against the religion of Amun and the methods followed by his priesthood. The great temple in Karnak was a large group of women who took the sacraments of Amun in appearance, and the priests actually enjoyed them.

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Akhenaten in the form of the Sphinx in Amarna.

The young king in his private life was an example of purity and honesty. This holy vase did not please him; the smell of the ram's blood, which offered an impure offering to Amon, was stinking in his nostrils, as was the trade of priests in magic and slavery; the use of the Amun prophecies to pressure ideas in the name of religion; He said: "The words of the priests are even worse than all that I have heard until the fourth year of his reign; it is more grievous than what King Amenhotep the Third heard. His people, the hateful money and the lavish ceremonies that filled the structures He did not accept compromise and did not convince half of the solutions, and declared courageously that these gods and all the religion in the rituals and rituals are all pagan degenerate, and that the world has only God One is - Aton.

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Sculptor's trial piece of Akhenaten.

Akhenaten saw - as he saw akbr in India after thirty centuries - that the deity is greatest in the sun and the source of light and everything on earth of life. We do not know whether he took this theory about the Levant, or invented it from him, and whether it was just another image of Adis. Whatever the origin of this god, he filled the king with joy and pleasure, replaced by his first name Amenhotep, which contains the word Amun, the name of Akhenaten, which means "Aton-satisfied," and some old songs, and some poems in the monotheism - published in the days of his predecessor -

akhenaten statue  ,pharaoh akhenaten statue  ,statue of akhenaten  ,pharaoh akhenaten  ,akhenaten pharaoh  ,amenhotep iv  ,akhenaten moses  ,king akhenaten  ,amarna  ,amarna revolution  amarna egypt  ,egyptian pharaoh akhenaten  ,tomb of akhenaten  , worship of Aton,Aton
Pharaoh Akhenaten (center) and his family worshiping the Aten,
with characteristic rays seen emanating from the solar disk.

Religious policies in his era

Under these circumstances, Amenhotep IV, the guardian of the covenant and the life of his father, began to practice the religious rituals and rituals of his fathers, especially those concerning Amun-Ra, the official god of the state. While at the same time announcing new religious ideas that evolved until they became heretical (heresy) for their departure from the prevailing traditional teachings. But his renewed religious orientation became clearer after he left his father on the throne.

akhenaten statue  ,pharaoh akhenaten statue  ,statue of akhenaten  ,pharaoh akhenaten  ,akhenaten pharaoh  ,amenhotep iv  ,akhenaten moses  ,king akhenaten  ,amarna  ,amarna revolution  amarna egypt  ,egyptian pharaoh akhenaten  ,tomb of akhenaten  , worship of Aton,Aton
The Wilbour Plaque, ca. 1352-1336 B.C.E, Brooklyn Museum
This relief depicts Akhenaten and Nefertiti late in their reign.

In the sixth year of his reign (1374 BC), the king announced the principles of a new religion calling for the worship of one god, "Aton", and represented him with the winged disk of the sun. And without interrupting the King's tradition of inherited traditions worked to highlight some of the manifestations that he saw more realistic in the expression of God, who wanted to be closer to all people, and globally, is everywhere, in the era in which Egypt opened its doors to meet with around Its neighbors, and as a result had to reconsider the foundations of their inner and spiritual lives.

The rituals of worship in the new Akhenaton religion do not include any secret procedures, and people are not required to perform certain rituals, but it is not known how the conversion from old worship to new worship has been made. Archaeological evidence indicates that Akhenaten established a number of urban structures, most notably the famous Karnak Temple (near Luxor today) and the new city of Achit Aten, which is located in Upper Egypt on the ruins of ancient Egypt.

The site, known today as Karnak, is an archaeological complex that includes a number of temples, the most important of which is Beit Amun, a favorite of the ruling class from the 18th Dynasty, surrounded by the houses of high priests. In this place, to the east of the pyramid of Amun, Akhenaten set up a temple for Aton, for the rising sun. The aim was to establish a new religion to replace old worship. He went in a poetic hymn to his Lord Aton, who symbolized him by the disk of the sun and declared that there was no life for anything without him.

In his renewed call, the Priest declares that the blessings of Athen are not an end to Egypt and its people, but to the creatures in every place of men and animals. Athen is given power to the beings and enlivens them so that the grace of life will continue. When the world loses the breath of life, this world enters into a depression, as the sun shines a new card as it disappears. A number of researchers have found a similarity between the content of these ecclesiastical hymns and the Psalms, which is attributed to David (10th century BC), especially psalm 104.

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Statue of Akhenaten wearing a blue war crown.

In Akhnaton religion, changes were made to the theories of death, funerary rituals, burial traditions, and new Assyrian interpretations of the ancient Uzbek traditions of the other world. As for Amun, the hidden force, as his name indicates, he is no longer a king, but something strange. The king who chose the name of the god is known in the texts of the pyramids, from the third millennium BC. It is Aton which planet the eye of the sun is the source of everything, was called by his flock Akhenaton, "Abdul Aton". This Aeten, who was in the Middle Kingdom, receives the aerial image of a king upon his departure to the world of the dead. This image dates back to the flesh that came out of it.

Akhenaten used plastic arts to spread his teachings, and he himself taught and guided artists in his time because he felt it necessary to translate his new religious ideas into realistic forms. In the temple that was built east of Karnak, the image of the king and his family were treated with amazing realism. In Akhenaten's image, she showed intentional distortions of the body, and painted on the face signs of introspection in the artist who was interested in reflecting in his work a deep subjective experience in the preview of what is happening in the thought at that stage in the history of Egypt and expressing it with an effort to express the inner emotions of the object To portray the true shape of the body. Vakhnaton recommends that everything must be sacrificed for the truth that is the source of balance, justice and life are elements of the image of holiness as reflected by the mirror of faith.

family and  relations of  Akhenaten

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Akhenaton and Nefertiti and their descendants

This spiritual and model family embodies the only God on Earth. The temples and cemeteries were filled with his appearance as he appeared in public, or inside his palace with his daughters. He breathed, ate, traveled, became, played, offered, and worshiped standing under the immense sun that illuminated life with her arms. The festivities held in celebration of this Trinity were a general occasion for the great scenes and structures that describe the basic holidays and offerings placed in the uncluttered temples, the visits to the booths, the receiving of tribute, the reward of ministers, the enthusiasm and the diet of the faithful,And all the activities of the parishes, all of which are a living written expression, full of life, and varied and varied through exquisite details. The houses of the Amarna were made up only of this divine trinity: the sun, the king, and the queen. As a kind of new artistic innovation or as a symbolic embodiment of deformity in the creation of the king, he and his wife were depicted in prominent inscriptions as in the drawings with a rectangular face above a bony body. This strange pattern has been circulated to photograph anyone. In the beginning, art was characterized by exaggeration to the point of injuring and contradicting the rules of aesthetics that prevailed during the previous rule (such as the giant Karnak figurines), but was treated conservatively in the skill and skill of Amarna (such as Queen Nefertiti's busts).
akhenaten statue  ,pharaoh akhenaten statue  ,statue of akhenaten  ,pharaoh akhenaten  ,akhenaten pharaoh  ,amenhotep iv  ,akhenaten moses  ,king akhenaten  ,amarna  ,amarna revolution  amarna egypt  ,egyptian pharaoh akhenaten  ,tomb of akhenaten  , worship of Aton,Aton

We know through a few documents that Akhenaten was taken along with Queen Nefertiti, a minor wife called Kiya (she may be the mother of Tutankhamun). But never thought that contrary to what the difference between the two theologians may have. When Nefertiti disappeared around the 14th year, her status as a "Merytaton," the eldest of her six daughters, gave birth to the pharaoh, and then their third, "Ankhesenpaton", appeared at religious events.

International Relations

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Plaster portrait study of a pharaoh, Ahkenaten or a co-regent or successor. Discovered within the workshop of the royal sculptor Thutmose at Amarna, now part of the Ägyptisches Museum collection in Berlin.

If the texts dealing with religious subjects did not refer to the inevitable international conflicts, some of the illustrated themes have been fully preserved. It turns out that the Apostle King never even held, in theory, his traditional military function, under which the Pharaoh must repel peoples And subject them.

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Fragmentary ushabtis of Akhenaten from his original tomb in Amarna, now in the Brooklyn Museum.

In the middle of his reign the deputy king of Kush suppressed one of the Nubian rebel movements - as usual. Egypt was not inclined to launch invasions against Asia during the reign of Amenhotep III despite the ambitions and expansionist tendencies of the armies and the Mitani, and also conspiracies of some small kings of Egypt and reveal the diplomatic documents found in Amarna,That the situation was very deteriorated when King Amenhotep IV ascended the throne, and the senior leaders in question, and the very limited military operations carried out by the Egyptian army teams could protect "Jubail" loyal loyalty to Egypt from the aspirations of the "Amor family", but could not prevent "Khati Khati" of defeating the Mitani ally, and the annexation of Syria, or suppress the revolutions of irregular groups in Palestine. To justify this impotence is that the pharaoh was trapped within his ideal imaginary cell, not personally concerned with the matter of armed defense and diplomatic manipulation, but a trivial justification.

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Akhenaten's sarcophagus reconstituted from pieces discovered in his original tomb in Amarna,
 now in the Egyptian Museum, Cairo.

His death and his monuments 

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The desecrated royal coffin of Akhenaten found in Tomb KV55

King Akhenaten died in the 18th year of his rule. We found the family burial he had ordered in the heart of Mount Amarna, in a bad condition after being robbed, vandalized and vandalized. Akhenaten's cartridges, pictures and statues were destroyed wherever they existed during the period following his rule. 

akhenaten statue  ,pharaoh akhenaten statue  ,statue of akhenaten  ,pharaoh akhenaten  ,akhenaten pharaoh  ,amenhotep iv  ,akhenaten moses  ,king akhenaten  ,amarna  ,amarna revolution  amarna egypt  ,egyptian pharaoh akhenaten  ,tomb of akhenaten  , worship of Aton,Aton
Profile view of the skull of Akhenaten recovered from KV55

The Aton temples were also demolished and their stones were used to fill new installations. As time passed, Amon returned to his glory and his names and forms were restored on the walls, and the word "Aton" was reintroduced to what it was as a description and meaning of the visible portion of the sun and the moon. God and the gods restored their rites and importance.

Mummy Akhenaten and his mother solve the mysteries of civilization "Tal Amarna"

akhenaten statue  ,pharaoh akhenaten statue  ,statue of akhenaten  ,pharaoh akhenaten  ,akhenaten pharaoh  ,amenhotep iv  ,akhenaten moses  ,king akhenaten  ,amarna  ,amarna revolution  amarna egypt  ,egyptian pharaoh akhenaten  ,tomb of akhenaten  , worship of Aton,Aton

The Secretary-General of the Supreme Council of Antiquities Zahi Hawass that DNA analysis may have provided evidence to find the mummy of Pharaoh Al-Tawhid Akhenaten, which was a great mystery in the history of the family (1550 - 1307 BC).
"After more than 120 years of searching for the unknown fate of the mummy of King Amenhotep IV, known as Akhenaten, the founder of the first monotheistic religion in Egypt and the ancient world, there are many indications that he was found," Hawass told a press conference at the Egyptian Museum on Wednesday. On the mummy of this king. "

"In the search for the Tutankhamun family, genetic analysis and gene analysis showed that a mummy in Tomb 55 in the Valley of the Kings is the mummy of King Tutankhamun's father," he said.

"The mummy was thought to belong to a man who died between the ages of 20 and 25. But the results of the research show that he died between 45 and 50 years, the son of Amenhotep III and Queen T. indicating that he himself is Akhenaten."

Hawass said that "Queen T, who earlier predicted that she was the wife of Amenhotep the Third and Umm Akhenaten, was found in the tomb of Amenhotep the second." It was thus decided that Nefertiti could not be the mother of Tutankhamun, who gave birth to his six sisters, .

He pointed out that Queen T was "one of the strongest queens known to ancient Egypt."

"Tutankhamun's mother was also found in the same cemetery and she was also the daughter of Queen T and Amenhotep the Third, but we do not know who is among the daughters of King Amenhotep III," Hawass said.

If the mummy found in Tomb 55 in the Valley of the Kings is the mummy of King Akhenaten, the myth of the relationship with the Prophet Moses ended because the Torah indicates his death in Jordan.
Hawass said that Akhenaten is not a prophet but he is one of the prophets who has not been spoken about, especially since he is the first unified in history, in addition to what he said about paradise, fire, punishment, reward and the relationship with the Creator, not contrary to the monotheistic religions.

Tests by two Egyptian teams, confirmed by two German advisers and eight experts from the specialized magazine Gama, repeated the reasons for the death of the golden king Tutankhamun at a very early age and did not exceed 19 in 1324 BC to "a severe malaria infection," which completely negates the idea of ​​his death. Or assassination.

Hawass said: "The fracture in his leg may be the result of his fall, especially that the results of tests lead us to believe that the lack of blood circulation in bone tissue weakened, and ruled out that the hole skull is due to a killing because this hole was used in embalming to pour liquid inside the skull.

The diagnosis was made after genetic analyzes showed a series of mutations in the Tutankhamun family, including Koehler's disease, which destroys bone cells. The young pharaoh was suffering from a deformity in the feet known as a foot wrap or footstool in which the heel of the foot and fingers are swathed inside.

DNA analyzes revealed three genes associated with parasitic parasites that cause malaria in four mummies, including the mummy belonging to Tutankhamun.

Hawass explained that "what was found in the tomb of Tutankhamun reinforces this hypothesis, including more than 130 sticks, including one that said he made it and a pharmacy for his second life."

There are scenes of Tutankhamun imagining him throwing at the arrows sitting with a stick and walking behind his wife.

"As a result of these reports, we have been able to solve a large part of the family-related puzzles," Hawass told AFP. "We had to discover the mummy of Queen Nefertiti and Mumia, the wife of Tutankhamun, who are still missing."

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