Ministry of Egyptian Antiquities Monday, February 9 in a statement that an American Belgian mission succeeded in turning images of the rock inscriptions of King Cheops to the three-dimensional charge.
Petroglyphs, which conducted the mission were converted from Cape desert in the province of Aswan in southern Egypt, and dating back to the reign of King Khufu, the most prominent kings of ancient pharaonic state, and dates back to around between 2613 to 2181 BC.

King Khufu belonged to the Fourth Dynasty, called the family of builders of the pyramids, which extended its rule between 2613 and 2494 BC.

He said, "Mamdouh Eldamaty" Egyptian Minister of Antiquities said in the statement that these inscriptions shed light on King Khufu's activities in Upper Egypt, and enjoyed the remote Cape region of interest in the old times, and added that the completion of copy operations and documentation Archaeological these inscriptions using new technology three-dimensional was of great importance, as was one of the few times in which the inscriptions belong to the fourth Dynasty era within an archaeological site in Upper Egypt recorded.

He said, "Dirk Hoaj", a member of the Arts and the Museum of History in Brussels and one of the members of the working group, said that the new technique facilitates copying rock carvings and prepares her records, so as to facilitate the study and consult them in the future.

And adopt new technology to capture high-quality digital images of multiple angles, then merge them. Using specialized software to convert them into three-dimensional models "more accurate" was loaded on a Tablet PC.

"The Hoaj" These rock carvings include a large plate, as far back as 3500 BC, in addition to the "site of Cheops," which includes an inscription depicts a boat led by Saqr. Another inscription records the Horus name, and plate guiding bearing King Khufu's name.

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