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Giza pyramids

It lies on the Giza plateau in Giza on the West Bank of the Nile. Built by some 25 centuries BC, somewhere between 2480 and 2550 b.c. and includes the three pyramids of Cheops, Chephren, and Menkaure.
And the pyramids were the tombs of their respective property bears the name of the King who was buried, builders and hierarchical structure, here is the stage of development of building tombs in ancient Egypt. It started with a small hole turned into an underground Chamber.

The idea of the pyramid of the hierarchy has been associated specifically with the idea of the origins of the universe and thought well according to some writings and religious texts, the deceased's spirit in the assisting means pyramid reach heaven with Idol RA, and sometimes can see sunshine in the clouds and take the hierarchy also were among the many means that can help them to climb into the sky.

Many people believe that the greatness of the pyramid lies in a constructive manner, in fact, that their talk that aside from health, the great pyramid, for example, is Mount satellite weighs six million five hundred thousand tons, and was made up of stones each weighing 12 tonnes, and these stones paving Court and pretty much exactly half a millimeter, that's already worth full admiration of ancient Egyptian civilization.

But it is much larger, the pyramid is one of the biggest mysteries encountered by mankind since the beginning of civilization. Many have claimed that just a luxury King Cemetery (Cheops), but scholars today believe that this view is ironic, the great Pyramid was built for the purpose of the greatest name.
Proof of this was that amazing fact enjoyed by this great edifice and collected by Charles Smith in the famous book (our heritage when the great pyramid) in 1864, pyramid rising multiplied by a billion is equal to 14967000 km is the distance between the Earth and the Sun Orbit that passes in the center of the pyramid divides the continents of the world into two halves are equal and that the basis of the pyramid divided by twice the height gives us a constant number of famous Chamber (3.14) contained in calculators. The four corners of the pyramid were drawn to the four original trends accurately so amazing that some scientists pointed to a small deflection angle of the original actors,
But after the discovery of modern electronic measurement devices proved to be correct and accurate pyramid were angled. And most dazzling in creating these pyramids is how to accurately create internal corridors and waiting rooms Antechamber and burial chamber of King King's Burial Chamber.

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The big pyramid

Pyramid of King Cheops

Behind "Cheops" father sneferu, and his mother was Queen "first guard" hatb Cheops 2650 b.c. is the acronym for "Khnum Kho f Levi (Khnum is the one who protects me). History of Khufu's greatest building constructed on Earth, is a pyramid Giza, the only remaining wonder of the ancient seven wonders of the world. Not his greatness to the magnitude of its construction, but also to the impressive court procedure planning.

This author of this giant construction King didn't find him only one very small size up to 7.5 cm and from late Antiquity, where the King was prevented at this time or any carving statues where we did not find large statues in this period only one statue was hidden in the tomb of Prince Rahotep and his wife, perhaps the King wanted to Begin with itself in preventing the statues of King Khufu launched the chain name "sister Khufu" which skyline Cheops to the religious changes occurred at his age. Shtadlman had that Cheops spins from the Egyptian belief and declared himself a God.

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